Coloured Raster printing problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by canon, May 11, 2004.

  1. canon

    canon Guest

    I have something strange happening. I've created approximately 17 colored raster images using the modeling program Surpac and I have imported them into AutoCAD and placed them side by side for printing. When I do a print preview all 17 rasters appear in color but once they are printed to our Xerox WorkCenter pro 40, seven of the 17 jpegs print in greyscale for some reason. I'm using the exact same PC3 I've been using for colored plots for 6 months, same CTB no changes, and I've even made the default printer color. What's even stranger is that if I use a JPEG program such as photodeluxe the exact same image and printer that printed greyscale in AutoCAD prints in color for this program.
    canon, May 11, 2004
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