Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. What has happened? When I create an in context part within an assembly and
    start editing a sketch using the convert entities or drawing new entities I
    can see the new sketch geometry when zoomed out but when I zoom in they are
    not visible. They are there as you can mouse over them and the will show
    Please help.. thanks
    Not Necessarily Me, Dec 11, 2003
  2. Sounds to me like a video card issue. What are you running?

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 11, 2003
  3. Not Necessarily Me

    Rob Guest

    Yep! I am getting exactly the same thing!!

    not all the time , just sometimes, several times a day though.

    I got a matrox g550 card which was passed by solidworks, but I am
    reliably informed by people on here is crap!

    What was i to know, im an engineer not a PC entusiast.

    if it persists after next SP then i will tell my VAR, what good that
    will do I dont know, i reckon the answer will be , yep oure card is

    Round and round and round!

    such is life!!



    Rob, Dec 12, 2003
  4. Both suggestions noted, I have a 3dLabs Oxygen GVX1. Another thing I
    discovered after the initial post was that I can start an assembly sketch
    and the visibility is fine. I'm convinced that this is a setting that I
    accidentally changed in Solidworks. I can go over to my co-worker's machine
    and everything is fine. I tried the copy options utility and created a
    registry file and even that did not correct the problem. could it be that
    the video card has gone bad? I've never had one go bad before.
    Not Necessarily Me, Dec 12, 2003
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