Colors in SW2004?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mike Atlas, May 5, 2004.

  1. Mike Atlas

    Mike Atlas Guest

    Is it just me or has something changed with respect to the color of
    parts in 2004?

    It seems that in previous versions if you did not set a face or
    feature color then changing the part color would affect the entire

    In 2004 SP3 it seems that faces and features automagically take on the
    color set for them in "Tools...Options" just as if you had set them.

    As a result, if I make a simple part, say a block with another block
    growing from it, and change the part color via Click part name in
    feature tree and then Edit Color toolbar icon nothing happens unless I
    remove all face and/or feature colors.

    I don't remember this being the case before.

    Is there any way to NOT set face colors when creating features?

    There is a check box in Tools...Options...Document...Colors called
    "Ignore Feature Colors" that seems to almost do this. At least the
    entire part changes color if you haven't set any face colors, BUT you
    can not intentionally set feature colors if you use this, only
    individual face colors.


    Mike Atlas, May 5, 2004
  2. Mike Atlas

    kenneth b Guest

    i ran into this same issue.

    i ended up re-creating my templates (start with the default templates from
    kenneth b, May 6, 2004
  3. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I thought mine was working as it
    should. I started a new part, put in a rectangle, extruded it out. Then
    LMB the Part1 name at the top of the FT and clicked the color icon to change
    its color to light blue. Then I clicked the front face, started a sketch,
    created a circle, extruded it out. It picked up the same light blue as the
    part. Did I miss a step somewhere?

    Wayne Tiffany, May 6, 2004
  4. Mike Atlas

    kenneth b Guest

    maybe it was "i" that missed something. no matter, i couldn't for the life
    of me get my '03 templates to work properly. it's sometimes funny how some
    things worked before an upgrade. :)
    kenneth b, May 6, 2004
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