Colors darker in 2002

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Timothy A Green, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. I asked this question a long time ago with no real solution tom the problem.

    I take the base acad.ctb plot style and change only colors 1-8 to plot black
    then save as acad1.ctb

    I print from acad2002 (actually ADT3.3), and the acad1.ctb is darker than
    the original acad.ctb.
    This happen all of the time. Any new ctb or stb I create or one edited from
    the originals
    is always darker than the base styles that came with the software.

    I want the shade or colors that come in the acad.ctb. but with colors 1-8
    plotting black.

    Each time I edit or create a new plot style, the colors are always darker.

    Printer settings are all the same, nothing changes.

    Please help


    Timothy A Green
    Midland, TX
    Timothy A Green, Aug 4, 2003
  2. The drawing we are plotting is the colorwheel to an HP750c+.
    Printer driver is HP DesignJet Printer Driver v.4.61

    We are trying to pick some colors for a presentation.
    We printed the colorwheel with acad.ctb just fine. Then realized we wanted
    colors 1-8 to plot black.
    Made the change saved as acad1-8.ctb and now all colors are darker (colors
    ending in an 8 arealmost black).

    So we tried to create a new ctb from scratch. Same thing all colors are
    Timothy A Green, Aug 6, 2003
  3. I have the same problem with 2004 and a 650C plotter. The outside rings on the color wheel are screwed up. I have yet to figure out the problem, but I DO know it's got nothing to do with my plotter settings, cable, print server, or the drivers on the print server. If you get this solved, please let me know how you did it! ()

    - andrew
    andrew.demerchant, Aug 12, 2003
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