Colors and Textures

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Keith Streich, May 25, 2004.

  1. How can I do a complete remove color and texture from my part. I just want
    to click something like select all and delete surface color and textures.
    I've selected the entire tree and clicked appearance to remove textures and
    colors, but something somewhere still has something assigned to it.


    Keith Streich, May 25, 2004
  2. There are several macro in the wild which will remove colors
    from all faces. This could be addepted for features.

    Beside the macro approach there is another easy way to select all faces
    to clear the color: select the face filter (standard shortcut is x), then
    switch graphic display to wireframe (not hidden line, pure wireframe),
    then select the complete model with a huge a rubber-band box.

    Now all faces are selected and you can call the color property manager page.

    For the removal of textures on faces use the same trick; there are no API
    calls (yet) for that, I have an Api related SPR for that:

    SPR 183041 - "Need API to get/set/remove SolidWorks display texture

    To select all feature you can select the first feature in the feature
    manager, hold down the SHIFT key and select the last feature. Now open the
    color or texture property manager and click the remove button.

    If there are some colors/textures left after removing it from faces
    and features there might be a color/texture on the bodys as well.



    unofficial german SolidWorks helpsite
    tools and programs for SolidWorks
    Stefan Berlitz, May 25, 2004
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