Color of an Assembl Section

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Dubea, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I'm recently migrated from 2005 to 2007 and see that the section tool
    has changed (again). For some reason the sectioned faces are colored
    in clack which makes it very difficult to discern the edges for the
    various pieces parts being sectioned. Is there a way to turn this off
    and have the parts display their base color?

    Chris Dubea, Dec 11, 2006
  2. I'm not seeing that - makes me wonder if it's related to the setting System
    Options/Colors/Use specified color for Shaded With Edges mode. I have that
    unchecked so if I turn edges on, it doesn't look so cartooney.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 11, 2006
  3. Chris Dubea

    James Taner Guest

    Dont think you can do it in a dynamic state, once you click OK it
    should return to base colours? - if you uncheck 'show section cap' it
    will go to base colours in the dynamic view but you'll see a section
    that doesnt appear solid.
    James Taner, Dec 13, 2006
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