Coexisting 2004 and 2005

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Giorgis, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    Has anybody had any experience runnning 2004 and 2005 on the same
    machine ?

    I would likt to test 2005 for a little while. I will keep the 2005 files
    seperated from 2004. My Var said it no problem but I am not so sure.

    For example solidworks installs in C:\program files\common files\ a
    couple of directories !! Will they be overwritten by 2005 ?

    Thanks in advance
    Giorgis, Oct 5, 2004
  2. I have done it several times. The key is to install in separate folders for
    both the program files & common files. I use a scheme like C:\Program
    Files\SolidWorks2005 and C:\Program Files\Common Files\Solidworks Data2005.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 5, 2004
  3. Giorgis

    MM Guest


    No problemo,,, Do a new install, not an upgrade.

    After installation, go to "tools"-"options", "system options", "file
    locations", and set all of the defaults to point to the same respective
    folder under SW2005. This will keep you from accidentally screwing up your
    SW2004 templates and other 2004 stuff.

    By default, 2005 points to the 2004 folders


    MM, Oct 6, 2004
  4. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    This stuf is scary ... :)

    My Var says it's OK as is, three responses seem to complement each other
    before I get the full story. Thanks guys. Would anybody have any other

    What about things like bluebeam pdf creator. Will save as PDF still work
    in 2004 ?

    I know I am overacting a bit, but any major change always has teething
    I just don't want to bring out the fire extinguisher.

    I can't wait to use 2005, I like the DWG editor just for nocking up
    sketches. I remember using AutoCAD loong time ago. It was crap in may ways,
    but sketching was pretty good. I guess it had decades to refine it self.

    Thanks guys
    Giorgis, Oct 6, 2004
  5. Giorgis

    P Guest

    I have run 2003, 2004, 2005 together at one time on the same machine.

    If you have templates setup in a different location than SW normally
    uses (customer templates) make sure that 2005 can't touch the
    templates directory of the previous SW releases or you won't have any
    templates usable in earlier versions.

    This just brings up the old principal, files converted to a new
    release cannot be used in an older release. BACKUP before testing or

    BTW, all this really won't matter for the DWG editor as that works on
    ACAD principals which gives a lot more freedom in working back and
    forth in older releases.
    P, Oct 6, 2004
  6. Go For It.

    I have 2003/2004/2005 all installed on one machine - 2006 will also go
    later and so on.

    -New Install as noted
    -Use the file dialogue to open files (double click) could be a problem
    in to knowing which program version will open.
    -Don't worry, it's not catastrophic - it will work just fine.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Oct 6, 2004
  7. Giorgis

    Aaron Guest

    All you guys that do a 'New Install' for each version, do you use
    Toolbox parts? How do you handle upgrading your existing Toolbox
    database (specifally the 'Copied Parts' option)

    Aaron, Oct 6, 2004
  8. No toolbox here - we have our own reference library.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 6, 2004
  9. Giorgis

    matt Guest

    Good question. You can use Toolbox, but make sure to install the new
    library to some unused location, and then delete it. Redirect the new SW
    to the old TB library. This will not work well if you haven't already
    created all the sizes you need. Of course that would be taken care of if
    Toolbox installed "ready to use" instead of "ready to LOSE". You can
    minimize the data you'll lose by using the "Copy Parts" switch, but this
    setting should be changed only on a fresh library with no configs,
    otherwise you'll get configs where you don't want them. Anyway, using this
    set up with SW 2004 with the "Copy Parts" switch, you'll only not be able
    to access any new parts (sizes) created with 2005.

    I wrote a little about this in the new Toolbox paper on my website, url
    listed in the "Toolbox Usage Issues" thread from yesterday.

    Good luck.

    matt, Oct 6, 2004
  10. Giorgis

    Aaron Guest

    Actually, I'll be going from 2003 to 2005.
    So, if I understand you correctly, I will end up using the 2003 data
    base in the 2005 environment, and will therefore not be able to use
    anything that has been added to TB since 2003. (Has much been added?)

    Would it be possible to actually use the 2005 TB, and set a new install
    (no configs in database files) to 'Copied Parts'. Then copy all my 2003
    'Copied Parts' to the 2005 'Copied Parts' folder?
    So that when I place a fastener it will look and see that the file is
    already there and use it. This is assuming the file names of a specific
    fastener hasn't changed between releases.

    I'm hoping that I can do this, and then go thru the tedious task of
    re-adding all my custom TB parts from 2003 to 2005.

    I did do a test once when I made a cube and saved it over an existing
    fastener in the 'Copied Parts' folder. When I used TB to insert it, it
    brought in the cube. It didn't care what was in the file, as long as it
    had the right file name.

    Aaron, Oct 7, 2004
  11. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    OK Guys, I did it and it seems like it is working.

    The things I did was

    Do a new install
    Installed in a SW2005 directory for both common and install directoy
    Then I went to options and made sure every file location directory did not
    point to 2004. This was tricky as I had to OK and exit the requrester every
    time or else if I moved onto the next one the previous setting would reset.

    So far so good, now off to trial 2005. Thanks for your help

    Giorgis, Oct 9, 2004
  12. Giorgis

    Aaron Guest

    Anybody have a reply?
    Aaron, Oct 10, 2004
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