Coding practices - Global Variables...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by David Kozina, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. David Kozina

    Dan Allen Guest

    When I tried using the vl-Propagate 'blackboard' function to expose code to
    all newly opened drawings, I ran into the problem that vl-Propagate doesn't
    execute until after s::startup.

    Dan Allen, Oct 29, 2004
  2. David Kozina

    Owen Wengerd Guest


    After re-reading my post, I realize that I should have said "I at least
    completely declare and define them in the same *PROJECT* as the code that
    relies on them." That is, I prefer to define new globals for every project,
    even if they have the same function as a global in an unrelated project.
    Modularity is, in a way, what I was referring to. I prefer well defined
    project boundaries, and even well defined sub-project boundaries (like
    files). Having well defined boundaries makes entire projects, and
    subprojects (files) transportable with minimal muss and fuss.

    In practice I also tend to segregate things in many files. But, for
    example, any "global" that is only used in one file would always go into the
    same file as the code using it. Any global that is used exclusively by one
    subproject would go into a separate file, but a file that is also exclusive
    to that subproject. If I start reusing the same code in different projects,
    at some point it reaches critical mass and I put that code into a new unit
    inside a common library that all projects can use. The code in the common
    library is then neatly segregated and insulated so there are, again, clean
    boundaries between sub-projects of the common library.

    I am anal about organizing code on the one hand, but on the other hand I
    generally spew a mess of code that seems to defy organization. Then, at
    some point I find the mess unwieldy and I start reorganizing. Then I throw
    more code into the pot, then after a while I reorganize again. Someone
    watching over my shoulder would surely see no rhyme or reason to my style,
    but amid the apparent chaos there is always a goal of keeping clear
    boundaries with minimal crossover (admittedly sometimes at the expense of
    some duplication -- which I also abhor).

    Sometimes I wonder whether all the time spent organizing code really
    serves useful a purpose. But, I only need to open some of my projects from
    the 1990s to dispel that notion. :)
    Owen Wengerd, Oct 29, 2004
  3. David Kozina

    Owen Wengerd Guest

    I will probably end up going. I've been waffling about going at all, but
    I'll probably end up going for at least a few days. I guess I should start
    thinking about plane tix... <:)
    Owen Wengerd, Oct 29, 2004
  4. David - I generally try to have a single entry point for
    initializing an application (in this sense, you can think
    of the ongoing customization you do for yourself in its
    entirety as an 'application').

    Regarding .MNL files, there's to reasons to use them:

    1. To load code that an associated .MNU/MNS is
    dependent on.

    2. As a better way to load code (in preference to
    the startup suite, which loads some things twice
    depending on how you open a drawing).

    So, even when I use an .MNL file, it usually contains
    only a single expression:

    (load "init.lsp")

    Where "init.lsp" is the primary LISP initialization file
    that leads to the loading of all other files. When you
    have LISP that executes directly (as opposed to being
    nested in a function body), then its important that
    any code that the directly-executing code is dependent
    on is loaded first.

    My use of the blackboard, is for the purpose of
    having variables that have 'application-level' scope.

    Remembering that every document contains what is
    in essence its own LISP interpreter, and variable
    namespace, the values of variables in each document
    namespace are distinct and invisible from any other
    document's namespace. Hence, if you do something
    like this in each document:

    (setq MyComObject

    You will be creating multiple instances of the requested
    COM object (assuming it is not a singleton), one for each
    open document in AutoCAD.

    For some applications, I don't want multiple instances of
    a COM object (one for each open Document), but rather,
    I want only one instance of the COM object, which I can use
    from any open document. The only way to do that, is
    via the blackboard, which can hold a variable assigned to
    a vla-object, which can be referenced from any open
    Tony Tanzillo, Oct 29, 2004
  5. David Kozina

    David Kozina Guest


    Well, sounds like the .mnl setup I've been using is still pretty much inline
    with what you say. (I don't use any S::STARTUP functions, either, btw)

    The only things I've got in the Startup Suite are DosLib, and your FlatLand,
    AcadX, and a DynaMode initiator (seemed to be the only way I could get it to
    work with multiple drawings). The rest of my custom routines, 3rd party
    apps, etc are handled by loads/autoloads via the .mnl, and other Menuloaded
    applications in my Profile.

    Like I said, things've been pretty stable - just was wondering if progress
    on other fronts made it feasible to make some changes.

    Thanks very much for your kind explanation.

    Best regards,
    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Oct 29, 2004
  6. David Kozina

    3ABTPA Guest

    There are cases where you cannot have locals, say (in my case)

    I use a single name for some of my default entries based on companies



    Say I have a client called "LACOMA" (made up name)

    The default dimstyle name I use is "LACOMA"

    Default text style I use is "LACOMA"

    Menu name I use is "LACOMA"

    Instead of changing this value all over the places, I use a global variable
    that holds default names, DEF_NME and loads with my application. So I will
    have deal with a single fas/vlx file to keep my globals and not to have
    floated throughout my application.

    I do keep globals in one module in my VB applications too. Here are more
    cases for global symbols use.


    Default font for default text style I keep it in global variable, because
    this name is used in multiple places too


    The ratio between LTSCALE and DIMSCALE I use 0.25, LTS_SCL

    This number I use in number of places, so I can control this with a single


    Several file type extensions, like ".dwg", ".dxf", ".doc" etc. to DWG, DXF,
    DOC etc.


    Number of directories and their full paths based on installation location


    Most common registry keys like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"


    7, 8, ... etc.

    Some variables are set with <setq> statement some of them are created
    dynamically, during the application load or installation

    These types of variables I consider to keep in global names instead of
    local. I could save them all in the registry and read them as I needed but I
    found "faster" to retrieve these values from global names.

    And again, all lisp functions, existing or we make, are global symbols..

    (defun AddOne (NUM)

    (setq NUM (1+ NUM))


    So, the symbol AddOne is defined as a global symbol.

    programs because of it... but it's better...
    i did it with Xdata attachment... it's very useful to keep those particular
    configurations in every drawing.
    3ABTPA, Nov 2, 2004
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