Code Snippet Archives

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Dubea, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Hi All,

    I've been spending some time organizing all the API code snippets I've
    collected over the years into Gary Beene's free gbCodeLib. This is a
    utility that allows you to organize VB and VBA snippets for easier
    usage. You can download it at

    My snippet collection is extensive and I'm currently having an issue
    about identification of the author's of some of these snippets. About
    half of the snippets I have, I can identify the author. Unfortunately
    a lot of them have no information whatsoever in them as to whom the
    author might be.

    I was going to make my snippet depository available to all, but if I
    can't identify what belongs to whom then I really don't feel that this
    is appropriate.

    So, I guess this is a plea to all those out there who have made code
    snippets available. Please make certain and give yourself credit in
    the first lines of the snippet. Don't sell yourself short. You
    deserve the credit!


    Chris Dubea, Nov 25, 2003
  2. That's very noble, I applaud you on one hand. On the other hand, if you
    got the snippet from a public domain source/method then the point is moot,
    isn't it?

    Make it all available (or at least as much as your conscience will allow) I
    have found nothing better than actual code to see how to do things when
    trying to program using API calls. (yup, sounds like I'm begging for free

    Moe & the boys
    Moe_Larry_Curly, Nov 27, 2003
  3. Chris Dubea

    rocheey Guest

    organizing all the API code snippets I've
    Wow. Ive used a similar util before that was available for <cough>
    Acad API code. and it was handy, *especially* if using VBA.

    I saw the 'default' library; but didnt see any SW API related files
    (SWCode.txt, SWKeywords.txt, etc)

    If you are just getting started on this project, I'll volunteer my
    time - and my code archives.
    rocheey, Dec 1, 2003
  4. If you post your snippets label them with authors and if the author is
    unknown label it as such. Besides I don't know how many people can actually
    lay claim to anything that has been publicly posted since names can
    certainly be erased or replaced. There is no real way of protecting
    yourself in this regard. I don't know if you would want to deal with people
    who read it and claim that it is their original code.

    Corey Scheich, Dec 2, 2003
  5. Chris Dubea

    rocheey Guest

    Besides I don't know how many people can actually
    [tongue-in-cheek-mode ON]

    There is actually only ONE original code snippet of VB code ever made:
    It was a "hello world" program written by Mark Zbikowski using PCBasic
    under an 8088. Everything else is just a permuation of his original work.

    [tongue-in-cheek-mode OFF]
    rocheey, Dec 3, 2003
  6. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    This is a good idea. I'm about halfway through checking all my code
    in. Gary Beene has been very helpful and has provided feedback. I'll
    keep everyone appraised as to the progress.

    Chris Dubea, Dec 3, 2003
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