Code creation with DBWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Donald Duck, May 24, 2007.

  1. Donald Duck

    Donald Duck Guest

    I have a simple question with a bit less simple answer... ;-)
    Did you ever experience to automatically create codes with DBWorks
    when you make "save as" from Solidworks, using categories and classes
    created with Category Maker?

    In my system happens that the simulation made with Category maker
    works all fine, composing the code with all the values created in
    categories and classes. But when I save from Solidworks, the
    categories in the path without a value generate a "0" in the code and
    the values defined in classes are placed in the final code in wrong
    position respect to the level in which the class is associated to the

    Example: :)

    Category A (without values)
    Category B with value "B"
    Category C without values but associated with class 1, which have 2
    values: RED & BLUE
    Category D with values 10 and 20.
    When I save from Solidworks the code becomes: RED-0-B-10-001
    (evidently wrong).

    I'm waiting for help from Mechworks but 'till now there're no news.

    Thanks, bye!
    Donald Duck, May 24, 2007
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