Code Complete, Second Edition

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bobby C. Jones, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. I was at the bookstore last night and I saw that Code Complete, Second
    Edition has come out. I thumbed through it for about a half hour and I
    highly recommend getting this book, even if you have the first edition.

    Enjoy :)
    Bobby C. Jones, Oct 9, 2004
  2. Bobby C. Jones

    David Kozina Guest


    I happened to see it today, too - anything specific you noticed that prompts
    your recommendation? (I've got the first edition is why I ask...)

    Best regards,
    David Kozina

    PS I just now read the reviews at the link you posted and it does sound like
    a winnah! Just curious as to what caught your eye.
    David Kozina, Oct 10, 2004
  3. Hey David,
    It looks like the author has worked hard to update the book to take modern
    practices into account. There are new chapters dealing with classes, design
    patterns, and even a chapter on refactoring. It looked like all of the code
    examples had been updated to use modern languages. I saw some Java and even
    some Visual Basic in the examples.

    I could have sworn that while flipping through the pages I saw something on
    pair programming. It makes me wonder if he discusses some of the newer
    design philosophies like extreme programming.

    Any those are the things that caught my eye. Hope that helps.
    Bobby C. Jones

    Bobby C. Jones, Oct 10, 2004
  4. Bobby C. Thanks Nice book..Hadn't read the first.
    I also picked up "Excel 2003 Programming..A
    Developers Notebook" by Jeff Webb...New idea
    by OREILLY...Cuts to the chase...Heavy on Ideas...bit
    lite on data...Better way to learn I think...Get a good
    pointer an go...

    Paul Richardson, Oct 11, 2004
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