CNC milling and solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rik, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Rik

    Rik Guest

    For my graduating project on school I have a scale model
    (size=shoebox) cnc mill without any kind of steering at all. Now I
    want to make new communication, but I don't know where to start. We
    use solidworks for drawing. Is it possible to make software that can
    read simply parts (solidworks), and then generates G-codes (only G00,
    G01, G02, G03)? I know that there are many packages on the market
    which can do this but there isn't budget for it.
    Is there someone who can help me any further with this?

    Thank you very much,

    Rik, Jul 22, 2003
  2. Rik,

    Do you mean you want to write a CAM program ? or that you want one for free

    Any CAM program that can read SW or parasolid 3D data is gonna cost some
    serious money.

    You could maybe get a free DXF to G-code program. This would require out
    putting a 2D SW drawing to DXF. Do a Google search in "alt.machines.cnc" for
    "DXF to G-code"


    Mark Mossberg, Jul 25, 2003
  3. Rik

    Joel Moore Guest

    (Rik) wrote in
    There's nothing that will simply output a G-code file from a model (it's
    not like converting a SW model to IGES).

    There's a lot of work involved in machining a part. Setups, tool sizes,
    operations, blah blah blah. It requires complex software to manage that
    process. Complex software = $$$.

    Joel Moore, Jul 30, 2003
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