Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Oak3s, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. Oak3s

    Oak3s Guest

    i am trying to write a lisp for a dcl. this is supposed to be able to set the snaps and grid. im still new to lisp. i keep getting this error: "CMDECHO" nil
    coul someone help me out with this
    thanks in advance

    (defun C:snapgrid (/ dcl_id snapmode xsnap ysnap orgsnapunit gridmode gridsnap xgrid ygrid orggridunit
    (setq dcl_id (load_dialog"snapgrid.dcl"))

    ;;Get existing value of snapmode and snapunit
    ;;and write those values to the dialog box

    (set snapmode (getvar "snapmode"))
    (if (= 1 snapmode)
    (set_tile "snapon" "1")
    (set_tile "snapon" "0")
    (setq orgsnapunit (getvar "snapunit"))
    (setq xsnap (car orgsnapunit))
    (setq ysnap (cadr orgsnapunit))
    (set_tile "xsnap" (rtos xsnap))
    (set_tile "ysnap" (rtos ysnap))

    ;;Get the existing value of gridmode and gridunit
    ;;and write those values to the dialogbox

    (setgridmode (getvar "gridmode"))
    (if(= 1 gridmode)
    (set_tile "gridon" "1")
    (set_tile "gridon" "0"))
    (setq orggridunit (getvar "gridunit"))
    (setq xgrid (car orggridunit))
    (setq ygrid (cadr orggridunit))
    (set_tile "xgrid" (rtos xgrid))
    (set_tile "ygrid" (rtos ygrid))

    ;;Read the values set in the dalog box and
    ;;then change the associated AutoCAD variables

    (defun setvars()
    (setq xsnap (atof (get_tile "xsnap")))
    (setq ysnap (atof (get_tile "ysnap")))
    (setvar "snapunit" (list xsnap ysnap))
    (if (= "1" (get_tile "snapon"))
    (setvar "snapmode" 1)
    (setvar "snapmode" 0))
    (setq xgrid (atof (get_tile "xgrid")))
    (setq ygrid (atof (get_tile "ygrid")))
    (setvar "gridunit" (list xgrid ygrid))
    (if (="1" (get_tile "gridon"))
    (setvar "gridmode" 0)
    (setvar "gridmode" 1))
    (setvar "gridmode" 0)
    (action_tile "accept" "(setvars) (done_dialog)")
    Oak3s, Feb 20, 2004
  2. Oak3s

    ECCAD Guest

    Try placing your code in a .zip, and attach. Maybe someone
    here can fix it. I see a couple of (either bad post or missing characters). For example, end of first line missing a ")", and
    (setgridmode (getvar "gridmode")) .. should begin with "(setq ", not (set.
    ECCAD, Feb 22, 2004
  3. Oak3s

    ECCAD Guest

    add the .dcl file to the .zip.
    ECCAD, Feb 22, 2004
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