Clue about weird IGES Surface?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chebeba, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. Chebeba

    Chebeba Guest

    I was given the IGES file below which represents one half of a symmetrical yacht
    hull. But no matter how I try I cant seem to create a solid out of it... It
    doesn't want to be thickened at all, and if I mirror it and stitch it up with a
    top and back patch, I get a complete enclosed surface but "Try To Form Solid"
    silently fails :-(

    Anyone experienced in this area care to give it a try and maybe give me a clue as
    to why?

    (on 2006sp2)

    ----------------> Cut here <----------------------
    Translator IGES S0000001
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,; G0000001
    128 1 D0000001
    128 41 0 NURBsurf 1D0000002
    128,7,10,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1P0000001
    0.125,0.25,0.375,0.5,0.625,0.75,0.875,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1P0000002
    1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1P0000003
    1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1P0000004
    1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-0.2,0,1.85,-0.149459,0, 1P0000005
    1.3825,-0.0989189,-4.47699e-005,0.915,-0.0483784,-4.32208e-005, 1P0000006
    0.4475,0.00216216,1.45888e-005,-0.02,0.0854955,2.22288e-005, 1P0000007
    -0.0268204,0.168829,0,-0.0336396,0.252162,0,-0.0404564,1.59728, 1P0000008
    0.555414,1.80362,1.63811,0.55965,1.4748,1.71726,0.553683, 1P0000009
    0.821834,1.78953,0.497659,0.227094,1.81815,0.390869,0.00153752, 1P0000010
    1.80283,0.229657,-0.157243,1.7697,0.0834286,-0.165457,1.73527, 1P0000011
    0,-0.162641,3.27924,1.0523,1.76259,3.33389,1.05985,1.35349, 1P0000012
    3.41767,1.03743,0.73491,3.49623,0.90288,0.153936,3.54161, 1P0000013
    0.678956,-0.188477,3.56893,0.377191,-0.293983,3.58272,0.131815, 1P0000014
    -0.302169,3.59552,0,-0.303216,5.01693,1.51975,1.72501,5.07644, 1P0000015
    1.52972,1.32409,5.17413,1.48735,0.662752,5.26496,1.26892, 1P0000016
    0.04818,5.3123,0.927627,-0.269802,5.32806,0.495483,-0.399376, 1P0000017
    5.32608,0.168149,-0.407975,5.32279,0,-0.407707,6.74852,1.92351, 1P0000018
    1.69433,6.81578,1.93457,1.27962,6.92449,1.87113,0.610218, 1P0000019
    7.02577,1.57305,-0.0134732,7.07983,1.12573,-0.347124,7.10134, 1P0000020
    0.582846,-0.474204,7.10358,0.192979,-0.482954,7.1044,0, 1P0000021
    -0.483021,8.49333,2.24146,1.67232,8.56768,2.25143,1.25789, 1P0000022
    8.68827,2.17017,0.585401,8.80053,1.8121,-0.0406455,8.86011, 1P0000023
    1.28523,-0.372725,8.88293,0.656905,-0.50126,8.88429,0.215279, 1P0000024
    -0.509992,8.88409,0,-0.509975,10.2445,2.45175,1.664,10.3261, 1P0000025
    2.45893,1.2575,10.4583,2.36839,0.598609,10.5814,1.98386, 1P0000026
    -0.0152278,10.647,1.41658,-0.341823,10.6723,0.732482,-0.46797, 1P0000027
    10.6741,0.242492,-0.476675,10.6742,0,-0.476679,12.0002,2.52214, 1P0000028
    1.66334,12.0893,2.52089,1.27156,12.2337,2.42483,0.636868, 1P0000029
    12.3678,2.04838,0.0468872,12.4389,1.48774,-0.265676,12.4661, 1P0000030
    0.791104,-0.385558,12.4679,0.268114,-0.393404,12.4679,0, 1P0000031
    -0.393403,13.7555,2.45892,1.64776,13.8507,2.45567,1.28588, 1P0000032
    14.0055,2.37164,0.697743,14.1505,2.03694,0.146463,14.2283, 1P0000033
    1.5174,-0.149794,14.259,0.836805,-0.266865,14.2614,0.29155, 1P0000034
    -0.276041,14.2614,0,-0.276042,15.5115,2.38428,1.62604,15.6099, 1P0000035
    2.37827,1.30954,15.7716,2.30774,0.789052,15.9271,2.02168, 1P0000036
    0.286778,16.0141,1.55048,0.00390929,16.0515,0.889315,-0.118604, 1P0000037
    16.0556,0.318633,-0.132726,16.0556,0,-0.132726,17.2676,2.25, 1P0000038
    1.6,17.3672,2.24216,1.33004,17.5333,2.18675,0.879816,17.699, 1P0000039
    1.95362,0.430667,17.797,1.53963,0.164881,17.8432,0.913921, 1P0000040
    0.0396427,17.85,0.335034,0.0213115,17.85,0,0.0213115,0,1,0,1; 1P0000041
    S0000001G0000001D0000002P0000041 T0000001
    Chebeba, Jan 5, 2006
  2. Chebeba

    Chebeba Guest

    John R. Carroll skrev:
    The entire IGES file was in my post, actually. Very small ;-)

    But to my utter astonishment the thickening part of the problem was fixed by
    installing ServicePack 3! Still can't do a Surface-Knit to solid, though.

    Chebeba, Jan 5, 2006
  3. OK,
    As I indicated, if you want a solid zip up the file and send it or just send
    it as an attatchment. When I cut and paste the text I get a read error.
    John R. Carroll, Jan 5, 2006
  4. Chebeba

    matt Guest

    The shape is not flat at the symmetry plane. If you project the edges
    into a sketch on the top plane (plane of symmetry), you can see that
    there is a little discrepancy at the bow. That means that there are
    gaps when you mirror it.

    To show this, I trimmed the surface back from the plane of symmetry by
    ..1 m, mirrored it, and then patched the trimmed out section with a loft.
    After this I was able to create the rest of the faces and knit into a
    solid and shell. This is not what you are looking for, but it does show
    where the problem is.

    Anyway, here's a link to my part:

    matt, Jan 5, 2006
  5. Chebeba

    Chebeba Guest

    matt skrev:
    That was actually pretty darn close to what I want!!
    Works for me. Thanks a bunch!
    Chebeba, Jan 5, 2006
  6. Chebeba

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jan 5, 2006
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