Close file also closes AutoCAD in invisible mode.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by joakim.rosendahl, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. Hi.

    I'm doing some automation with AutoCAD 2007 in Delphi, so I don't know
    if I'm in the right forum but I didn't find anything else and this one
    seemed closest. Any how, now I use AutoCAD to plot files. First when I
    plot a file (I'm sending the "-plot" command) AutoCAD jumps out of
    invisible mode for some reason. So I figured that I put it in invisible
    mode again right after. But when I close the file, AutoCAD also quits
    on me. I'm just wondering if anyone has a clue to why? Does AutoCAD
    automaticly quits when it's in invisible mode and there are no
    documents left?

    Hope anyone has an answer.

    Thanks in advance.

    joakim.rosendahl, Dec 11, 2006
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