Clip Out Entities as New Block Routine

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steve Wojtynek, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. It worked kinda like CopyBlock and Pasteblock, but it trimmed the entities
    that extended outside the area of the box you selected.

    § Call up the routine (can't remember the name), and it would prompt you to
    draw a rectangle.

    § The routine would then create a wblock that included all the linework
    inside the box or crossed by the rectangle.

    § It would also clip all the linework that extended outside the rectangle.

    § I think the insertion point of the new block was the lower left corner by
    default, and I don't remember being able to alter it.

    § I also can't remember how it handled the naming of the wblock. Maybe it
    just went to a clipboard and you pasted it into the next drawing.

    I think I had it back in Acad14... Got anything like it?
    Steve Wojtynek, Jun 11, 2004
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