I am attempting to duplicate a bump on the edge of a round wafer (2" round wafer, .1" thick, maybe 50 half balls .070" diamiter all around) using the circular pattern tool. I am wanting to make maybe 50 of them all around the flat edge of the wafer, like gear teeth almost. My questiun is why do I not have the temporary axis light up for me to use. I am going to view>temporary axis and I do not have the optiun to use the temporary axis which I need to use the circular pattern tool. What am I doing wrong please? I have the made the first half ball by pushing a plane to the edge of the wafer, extruding a cylinder, then filleting to a half ball. Should I be in a sketch mode, not in a sketch mode what? It seems that I do not know the most basic rules I need to follow to use this tool. The help files assume that you know the rules I guess, because it does not tell you. Marcos thanks you for your answer