Hi all, I've been playing around with an excellent circuit simulator applet. I had 2-3 small voltage doubler circuit prototypes from a few years back. I duplicated the circuits in the java applet and did a bunch of modifications, testing all the way to see if the applet actually duplicated original real time component parameters and circuit changes. It did and it follows all the rules and allows you to simulate many different circuits and conditions. Many of you will realize what a time saver this simulator is. I have had hours of fun with it and am now using it to test some ideas that I am working on. I hope you all love it as much as I do. It is really useful, Here's the link [URL]http://www.alternate-energy.net/aps/circuit_simulator05.html[/URL] Get your daily alternative energy news [URL]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/next_generation_grid[/URL] news resources forums [URL]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tomorrow-energy[/URL] Alternative Energy Politics [URL]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Alternative_Energy_Politics/[/URL]