Circle in 3D through 3 points

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mr Soul, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. Mr Soul

    Mr Soul Guest

    Hi there,

    i was wondering if it is possible to draw a circle through 3 given points
    that are different in X, Y and Z coordinates.

    After inserting my 3 points, my circle through these points has following

    the Z-coordinate of the circle equals the Z of the first point chosen in 3P
    Autocad acts like the circle has to be drawn through these 3 points in the
    plane Z=Z(first point picked)

    The only way i was able to get my centerpoint (in a surveying task) is to
    connect the 3 points with 3d lines and since 3points make only one plane, we
    can apply basic math in this plane.
    3 perpendicular lines through the middles of the triangle's sides give me
    the centerpoint.

    Is there an other way? and anyway, is it possible to draw a flat circle
    through 3 3D-points?


    Mr Soul, Dec 13, 2005
  2. Mr Soul

    Longshot Guest

    set the ucs to line up with those 3 points then you can draw it through

    type UCS<enter><enter3>(pick points) <enter>
    Longshot, Dec 13, 2005
  3. Mr Soul

    Mr Soul Guest

    well what do you know, it works!!

    another thing learned today, thanks!

    Mr Soul, Dec 13, 2005
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