cimitron iges question?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest


    Some of the toolmakers I work with use cimitron. They tend to ask for
    iges files by default - but if I send an assembly as a single file,
    wether or not I use the 'flatten' option, any bodies that are touching
    are 'fused' together and appear on the same 'level'. Having never seen
    cimitron I'm at a bit of a loss. Exporting each tool component
    individually makes file management more difficult and just takes
    longer. So, if anyone here uses cimitron please let me know a
    preferred method!


    Zander, Jan 19, 2007
  2. Zander

    MM Guest


    You might want to try STEP. I don't know if Cimatron includes the translator
    by default, but almost all systems do these days.

    Most old school toolmakers ask for IGES even when their CAM system supports
    much better formats like STEP, Parasolid, and ACIS. I know a few of these,
    and computers make them uncomfortable. They don't have any choice but to use
    them, or go broke.

    I use Mastercam and Parasolid is the best in this case. I do have a couple
    of vendors that use the same software and inssist on crummy old IGES. Even
    after it's demonstrated how superior Parsolid is. I guess it must be some
    kind of weird "comfort zone" thing.

    If he still insists on IGES, try generating the file using IGES 186
    (manifold B-rep). It should keep all the objects seperated. It's under the
    options button on the "File-save as" window

    Good luck
    MM, Jan 19, 2007
  3. Zander

    MM Guest


    I forgot to add, Cimatron also has a direct Solidworks translator. I've got
    a feeling, though, that this is an extra cost add in. Cimatron is a very
    vertically integrated product, kind of like Catia. Once you get every thing
    you really need you've dropped 20K or more.

    MM, Jan 19, 2007
  4. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    IIRC There are or were some users over in alt.machines.cnc ..
    to which this is now crossposted.
    You may also wish to search their archives ... ?

    Cliff, Jan 19, 2007
  5. Zander

    dudi Guest

    Try sending a .SAT file "Cimatro E" modeler is based on ACIS so it
    accepts SAT files with no problems. As far as I can remember the old
    Cimatron IT v12 Accepts SAT as well.
    Since IGES is only surfaces . building solids from iges can be tricky
    in case of surfaces overlapping.
    SATon the other hand is build for solid.
    dudi peer
    dudi, Jan 20, 2007
  6. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    IGES handles most types of wireframe well.
    Cliff, Jan 20, 2007
  7. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    Poor modeling & poor user & design skills or using
    open tolerances to fake it are no excuse.
    Cliff, Jan 20, 2007
  8. Zander

    rikki.tivvi Guest

    FYI an ACIS neutral does not support any geometry representation or attribute
    that IGES does not support. Fewer, in fact, as IGES supports assembly
    structures, parts in a variety of geometry types including manifold b-reps and
    instanced entities. Of course that doesn't benefit the user if a source or
    target application doesn't employ appropriate IGES pre or post processor
    functions. ACIS or Parasolid neutrals usually provide more robust solid body
    translations, not because they are better but, because the translator functions
    licensed from the kernel developer are easier for application programmers to
    interface and sometimes a one button UI doesn't hurt. <G>
    rikki.tivvi, Jan 21, 2007
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