christmas decorations for the schematic editor. Svenn should likeit.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by fogh, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. fogh

    fogh Guest

    Hi All,

    I have started writing a toolbar for placing instances in a schematic. I am a
    bit too busy for this now, but please contribute if you want.
    I should rephrase that: contribute any change you make. Consider this code as
    GPL licensed : do not distribute it encrypted or in context-file only format ;
    and do send back the improvements.

    Frederic Oghdayan , november 2004.
    generate a schematic toolbar for the current technology.

    - group by category,
    - skip categories||cells with names like "obsolete" "don t use" ...
    - trigger with schematic editor.
    - use dlSaveDlist and dlDlistToIcon to generate readymade icons as library
    owner. If speed allows, appear/disappear with instance mode.
    - find&use grey std color background
    - avoid empty icons: make the symbol fatter before turning it to a DL.
    X- make more columns depending on available screen height
    X- close all cell in scratch mode (and refresh?)
    - select by menu which libraries/categories/cells should be in the bar

    hiSetBindKey("Schematics" "CtrlShift<Key>t" "CmTechSchIcons()")

    procedure(CmTechSchIcons() ;;this proc generates globals with name "^CmTechSch"
    (techlibname cv dl icon iconsymname itemsymname menusymname callback cols rows
    handlename w (usablescreenheigth 600) (iconwidth 32) )

    CmTechSchItemList=foreach(mapcar ddsym setof(cell ddGetObj(techlibname)->cells
    member("symbol" cell~>views~>name))
    cv=dbOpenCellViewByType(ddsym->lib->name ddsym->name "symbol")
    dbReopen( cv "s" ) ;this saves specifying cellViewType.
    foreach(s cv~>shapes
    unless(car(s->lpp)=="device" dbDeleteObject(s))
    ;; do this only as library owner and make an autoload
    mechanism.;;dlSaveDlist(dl strcat("CmTechSch" "_" techlibname "_" ddsym->name
    "") strcat("CmTechSch_DL" "_" techlibname "_" ddsym->name ) )
    icon=dlDlistToIcon(dl iconwidth iconwidth )
    iconsymname=strcat("CmTechSchFixedMenuIcon" "_" techlibname "_" ddsym->name)
    set(stringToSymbol(iconsymname) copy(icon))
    itemsymname=strcat("CmTechSchFixedMenuItem" "_" techlibname "_" ddsym->name)
    menusymname=strcat("CmTechSchFixedMenu" "_" techlibname "_" ddsym->name)
    callback=strcat("schHiCreateInst(\"" ddsym->lib->name "\" \"" ddsym->name "\"
    \"" "symbol\"" ")" )
    ?name stringToSymbol(itemsymname)
    ?itemText ddsym->name
    ?itemIcon symeval(stringToSymbol(iconsymname))
    ?callback callback
    );set item
    stringToSymbol(itemsymname) ;;mapcar return value
    );foreach ddsym

    if( (cols-floor(cols))/cols < 17%
    cols=floor(cols) ;;cram it in
    printf("%L\n" cols)
    handlename=strcat("CmTechSchFixedMenuHandle" "_" techlibname)
    stringToSymbol(strcat("CmTechSchFixedMenu" "_" techlibname))

    ;; look at schEnableSchFixedMenu() in schView/
    ;;2- trigger in schematic editor

    ?window w
    ?fixedMenu symeval(stringToSymbol(strcat("CmTechSchFixedMenu" "_" techlibname)))

    fogh, Nov 25, 2004
  2. fogh

    fogh Guest

    Hey Svenn, you did not like it ?
    fogh, Dec 1, 2004
  3. Hi,

    I have been busy with internal training and haven't had time to test it
    out. Give me a day or two...
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Dec 3, 2004
  4. How did you do this? I get a division by zero error because
    CmTechSchItemList is empty. That means that the foreach mapcar ddsym is

    I have a hard time understanding your code. The purpose of the program
    is to create a schematic toolbar for the current technology, but I don't
    quite get what the code will result in.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Dec 10, 2004
  5. fogh

    fogh Guest

    Ah. You must have a techfile pointing to a library that contains only
    symbolics, while the symbols are located in another, less technology
    specific, library.

    The assumption in the script is that the techfile associated with your
    schematic contains all the symbols you want to see on the bar. You can
    force the name to the library that has the symbols, like I did at first
    with "gpdk".

    What the script does is
    for every symbol in the PDK library
    - open the symbol in scratch mode, so there is no risk of messing up
    what is on disk.
    - keep only the drawing of the symbol
    - turn this drawing into an icon (with a intermediary step to
    display-list format)
    - make a callback for the icon that instantiates the symbol

    and then collect the icons in a vertical menu.
    fogh, Dec 14, 2004
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