Looking for the sanest solution to this problem - and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm overlooking something really simple. I've been working on a set of 'standard' details. I recently started working at a new company, but I don't yet have in place many of the routines I used to use for details - in particular routines for setting the correct layer, color, etc., before creating/inserting a block. Those routines are 'under construction'. But, in the interim, I've been accruing details little by little in a single file, (which has helped a great deal at the moment with regards to drawing consistency). After I finish a detail, I also have been saving it in it's own drawing - and herein lies the rub... Basically I need to get the details better organized - and I'm working on that, too - but I've encountered a fly in the ointment. I've now got a directory of a hundred or so single details, along with one biggie-sized drawing with everything. I've been trying to make good use of named plot styles in my drawings - and with some help in this group the other day, I finally became aware that if all or some of the objects comprising a block had their plot style set to 'ByBlock', the block insert object itself can be individually adjusted as the circumstances dictate. Which is cool - BUT it also means that all the block inserts I've been using in my details 'til now are almost-but-not-quite right. :-/ I've worked out the code revisions for the block definitions themselves - which I *believe* is finally correct. (I've been working on creating the blocks programmatically, rather than maintain yet another library.) Furthermore, I've gone into the biggie drawing and corrected all the definitions there. At least I think they're right now. But I've still got dozens of smaller drawings where the blocks therein also need to be redefined. I want to do this as soon as possible, before things multiply more than they already have. (The #1 WORST thing about CAD, IMO - never-ending errors propagating exponentially.) My question is this: Assume that the big drawing DOES now contain correct definitions. Is there a quick and painless way to transfer the revised definitions in that drawing to the dozens of single detail drawings? I have a different idea that I *know* will work, via running some block redefinition code in a script over the set of drawings - but if I'm overlooking something obvious that already exists, I'd appreciate somebody pointing me in the right direction. I'm hoping this will be a 'one-time' fix [r-i-i-ght]. Nevertheless, if you've ever had to deal with something similar in the past, I'd also be interested to know how you handled it. Appreciatively, David Kozina