check to see if a view is checked out

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vlsidesign, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. vlsidesign

    vlsidesign Guest

    I have a script that remasters some of the instances. The script opens
    certain views for readonly, and then if it contains instances that I
    want to remaster, I then check it out, open for edit, and do the
    changes, and then check in.

    However, if I already have the cell checked out, I don't want to do
    the remastering of the instances, so I am trying to find a way to
    check to see if a cell is already checked out and then way I can
    ignore that cell. I can't seem to find a function or an attribute to
    do that. I was thinking that ddCheckout would return 'nil' if it was
    already checked out, but it doesn't. ... Any help is appreciated.
    vlsidesign, Feb 23, 2007
  2. vlsidesign

    vlsidesign Guest

    Hmmm... Maybe I can just use the 'dbIsCellViewModified function as a
    workaround, since I can't seem to find a way to check to see if a view
    is checked out (there is probably some simple way to do it that I'm
    vlsidesign, Feb 26, 2007
  3. vlsidesign

    vlsidesign Guest

    The other way to handle it may be to look at whether it has a lock
    file? I believe when the cellview is checked out, it creates a lock

    Interestingly, when I try using 'geGetLockInfo', it is an unrecognized
    function, so maybe I can somehow use 'ddLockDescribe' or
    'ddLockGetStatus' or something?
    vlsidesign, Feb 26, 2007
  4. vlsidesign

    vlsidesign Guest

    Looks like 'ddNeedCheckout()' will do the trick.
    vlsidesign, Feb 28, 2007
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