Check for outside event while acad is processing?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pkirill, May 21, 2004.

  1. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    I have this loop that opens autocad and then opens drawings. If certain options are selected in a form (purge, plot, etc) the options are sent to autocad from VB6. I'm currently working on a cancel sub. As it sits, the best I can do I wait until autocad gets one drawing open completely and then it will cancel out before the next one opens. I'm wondering if there is a way for autocad to check for an outside event when it's opening or via a lisp routine? Or is DoEvents all I get? I put my loop code below - it is a mess, so please don't make fun...

    Any help is always appreciated!

    Dim PrgCnt As Integer
    PrgCnt = 0

    If chkOpenOnly.Value = Checked Then

    intNumber = InStrLast(striFileName, "\")
    strFilePath = Mid(striFileName, 1, intNumber)
    ReDim strDwgs(0 To lstDrawings.ListCount - 1)
    ReDim strDwgNumber(0 To lstDrawings.ListCount - 1)

    For i = 0 To lstDrawings.ListCount - 1

    If bCancel = True Or GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyEscape) <> 0 Then
    'MsgBox "bCancel Is True"
    While frmDLPlot.Acad.Documents.Count > 0
    frmDLPlot.Acad.ActiveDocument.Close (n)
    Unload frmProgress

    GoTo EOF2
    End If
    strDwgs(i) = strFilePath & strDrawingNameList(i) & ".dwg"
    If lstDrawings.Selected(i) = True Then
    PrgCnt = PrgCnt + 1
    If InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "00012" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "01014" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "01014-01" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-01" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-02" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-03" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-04" Then
    bDullesSpecial = True
    Else: bDullesSpecial = False
    End If


    If FileCheck.FileExists(strDwgs(i)) = True Then
    If bDullesSpecial = True Then
    On Error Resume Next
    Kill (strDwgs(i))
    If Err Then
    bErrMsgBox = True
    bFileOpenMsg = True
    strFileOpen = strFileOpen + strDrawingNameList(i) + " *OPEN FILE*" + vbCrLf


    End If
    Set dwg = Acad.Documents.Add(strDwgs(i))
    Set dwg = Acad.Documents.Open(strDwgs(i), False)
    Acad.WindowState = acMax
    Acad.ActiveDocument.WindowState = acMax
    End If
    ElseIf FileCheck.FileExists(strDwgs(i)) = False And bDullesSpecial = True Then
    Set dwg = Acad.Documents.Add(strDwgs(i))
    ElseIf FileCheck.FileExists(strDwgs(i)) = False And bDullesSpecial = False Then
    bErrMsgBox = True
    bFileExistsMsg = True
    strFileExists = strFileExists + strDrawingNameList(i) + " *NOT FOUND*" + vbCrLf

    AppActivate "DLP Progress"

    End If

    If bCancel = False Then
    If InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "00012" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "01014" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "01014-01" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-01" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-02" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-03" Or InStrLast(strDrawingNameList(i), "_") > 1 And strCommission = "04004-04" Then
    If strCommission = "00012" Then
    AppActivate "DLP Progress"
    If bCancel = False Then
    AppActivate "dlplot"
    dwg.SendCommand "(load ""h:/2000/00012/arch/support/newdwg"")" & vbCr
    dwg.SendCommand "(NewDullesDwg " & """" & strDrawingNameList(i) & """)" & vbCr
    End If
    ElseIf strCommission = "01014" Then
    dwg.SendCommand "(load ""h:/2001/01014/arch/support/NewTier2"")" & vbCr
    dwg.SendCommand "(NewDullesDwg " & """" & strDrawingNameList(i) & """)" & vbCr
    ElseIf strCommission = "01014-01" Then
    dwg.SendCommand "(load ""h:/2001/01014-01/arch/support/NewTier2"")" & vbCr
    dwg.SendCommand "(NewDullesDwg " & """" & strDrawingNameList(i) & """)" & vbCr

    ElseIf strCommission = "04004" Or strCommission Like "04004*" Then
    AppActivate "dlplot"
    dwg.SendCommand "(load ""h:/2004/04004/arch/support/NewEds"")" & vbCr
    dwg.SendCommand "(NewDullesDwg " & """" & strDrawingNameList(i) & """" & """" & strDwgDirectory & """)" & vbCr

    End If
    End If
    AppActivate "dlplot"

    If bCancel = True Or GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyEscape) <> 0 Then
    'MsgBox "bCancel Is True"
    While frmDLPlot.Acad.Documents.Count > 0
    frmDLPlot.Acad.ActiveDocument.Close (n)
    Unload frmProgress

    GoTo EOF2
    End If
    End If
    If chkDwup.Value = Checked And bDullesSpecial = False Then
    dwg.SendCommand "dwup" & vbCr
    End If
    If chkUpdateSpanner = Checked Then
    dwg.SendCommand ("sheetall" & vbCr)
    End If
    If chkPurge.Value = Checked Then
    dwg.SendCommand ("pua" & vbCr)
    End If
    If chkChgco.Value = Checked Then
    dwg.SendCommand ("chgco" & vbCr)
    End If
    If chkZoomExt.Value = Checked Then
    dwg.SendCommand ("ze" & vbCr)
    End If
    End If

    'Setting Progress Bar values

    If Not PrgCnt > frmProgress.prgDLP.Max Then
    frmProgress.prgDLP.Value = PrgCnt
    End If
    frmProgress.lblProgress.Caption = frmProgress.prgDLP.Value

    Next i
    pkirill, May 21, 2004
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