Cheapest Version of Solidworks or ProE?????

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCal, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. SoCal

    SoCal Guest

    About eight years ago, I left engineering to enter management consulting. I
    am itching to do some small projects/inventions in my free time. What is
    the cheapest non-trial, non-student version of Solidworks or ProEngineering.
    Back in the day, I used the latter on HP and SGI machines. As I recall, we
    were paying about 20k per seat for ProE and Solidworks was 5k, which we did
    not use. Ideally, I would like to pay under 1k with no maintenance. I
    can live without certain manufacturing and drawing features if that brings
    the price down.

    Alternative 3D engineering software would also be considered.

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Promote Renewable Energy
    SoCal, Feb 14, 2007
  2. SoCal

    Brian Guest

    About the only software that I'm aware of that "may" fit your criteria
    is Alibre. By no means consider this an endorsement as I've not used since
    a brief free trial period a couple years ago. I believe that there is a
    version that's free ( in that its ad supported ).
    Brian, Feb 14, 2007
  3. SoCal

    That70sTick Guest

    Paid $3995 plus tax for the latest SW. Maintenance is about 1/4 of
    that per year.
    That70sTick, Feb 14, 2007
  4. SoCal

    Twit Guest

    Pro and SWx cost iro 5k and $4k for the base packages (there is a
    personal use only version of pro available for about $300).

    cheaper packages are ironcad 2-3k

    alibre basic pakage is 995. not bad if you're not after surfacing...
    download the express version for a trial. often offer goods deals

    cocreate's onespace is available as a free PE version. not sure what
    the cost of the base package is, but seem to remember that they offer
    short term licensing

    ashlar offers various flavours of their software. slightly more designery...

    in an uncannily similar vein is concepts unlimited, a version of which,
    called ViaCAD is being released by punch software for a ridiculously low
    price next month.

    whatever you do, try to get a trial, esp if it's your own cash...
    Twit, Feb 15, 2007
  5. SoCal

    skooba Guest

    Alibre, definitely. has all the info.
    Download the free version, and see how it works out. It's pretty
    robust for being as inexpensive as it is.

    You can't handle 400+ part assemblies as you can in ProE or SW
    (sometimes it feels these can't do it that well, either), but it is
    the package I'd get for doing consulting and picking up the cost
    myself. I've been on ProE and SW the past 4 years and have demo'd
    Alibre, so I've got a little background to this statement.

    skooba, Feb 15, 2007
  6. SoCal

    interloper Guest

    in an uncannily similar vein is concepts unlimited

    Tim Olson is, I believe, the similarity.
    If Autodesk had ever been serious about interfacing ACIS he's the
    man they'd have hired.
    interloper, Feb 15, 2007
  7. SoCal

    ms Guest

    Be sure to find out what you get for $5k in the ProE package. They bundle
    modules together in a highly obfuscated fashion and you may be missing some
    of the surfacing and assembly functionality you may need. I think our Flex3C
    package which is probably similar in scope to solidworks office is about
    ms, Feb 15, 2007
  8. SoCal

    SoCal Guest

    What do you get for $300. That seems like an incredible deal.
    Noncommercial only?
    SoCal, Feb 16, 2007
  9. SoCal

    dumaswizkid Guest

    Non commercial and files cannot be read by commercial
    version or vise versa.

    Contributing to the 'good deal' arguments; it doesn't
    time out and includes extensions which are not available
    with the base package. A 'teaser' if you will, but it
    does offer exposure to functions an individual would
    probably never see otherwise and if one can get some
    instruction at a community college or somewhere else
    allows individuals to build on skill sets without
    landing a job that will invest in the training.
    dumaswizkid, Feb 16, 2007
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