Charted Detail Drawings in SW.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by scota, May 19, 2004.

  1. scota

    scota Guest

    I am looking for some opinions.

    We manufacture products that come in various configurations (sizes and
    color combinations).

    I work in Product Development and I started using SW about 2 years ago
    to design and document new products.

    Our Product Engineering group has not yet evolved from AutoCAD to SW
    so they still support our existing products in AutoCAD.

    Rather than save the new drawings I create in SW into AutoCAD .dwg, I
    convert them into PDF's for the rest of the company to use.

    The problem is that our Product Engineering group thinks I should
    chart the sizes, colors, etc, on the SW component drawings like they
    used to do in AutoCAD to save on the number of drawings created.

    I argue that creating a charted drawing on CAD defeats the purpose of
    CAD. When I was on AutoCAD and I wanted to use an existing part on a
    new product, I always ran into a wall when the existing part was on a
    charted drawing. I had to draw it from scratch to use it in an
    assembly. To me charted drawings are a quick and dirty way to get the
    job done, but it ends up biting someone in the ass down the road.

    I also argue that to chart components on drawings in SW is an addition
    step and that changes made to the part would not be associative,
    therefore defeating one purpose of SW.

    Buy the way, we do use the SW BOM table for assembly drawings and have
    no problems.

    I guess I'm looking for ammo to get the PE group to use individual
    drawings for the components and charted BOM drawings for assemblies.

    Any opinions?

    scota, May 19, 2004
  2. scota

    Arlin Guest

    You can use a Design Table to make configurations and insert the design
    table into a drawing, thus creating an associative, charted, detail
    drawing. The SWX help has an example on how to do this. I also
    remember either Wayne Tiffany or Lee Bell writing up a nice little how-
    to article on doing this (and getting it to look good).

    Sorry, I am giving you advice on how to make tabulated drawings instead
    of giving ammunition to convince others not to use them.

    We use tabulated drawings all the time and they work well for us.
    Arlin, May 19, 2004
  3. scota

    Habib Guest


    It sound what your are want to make of them convincing not use of autocad

    Because of new the cad, they are resist. But drawing of charts used both to
    work in cads of autocad and soldwork.

    But making of chartsted drawings much too easy upon solidworks- for it needs
    only to make table of design withing the part and alas there it is for also
    the drawing there too.

    Mostlike reasons are made of not to change by they avoiding the new

    Sincerefully -

    Habib, May 20, 2004
  4. scota

    scota Guest

    Arlin and Habib,

    Thanks for your input.

    I followed the SW help and inserted a design table into a drawing and
    is worked fine.

    (I see the light.)

    I plan to use them on the next project.

    (I still have to convince PE to stop using charts in AutoCAD)

    Thanks Again,

    scota, May 20, 2004
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