Changing x-asis on a family of waves

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I have successfully ben able to change the x-axis of a single simulation

    (setq to_be_x (clip VT("/sig1")))
    (setq useful_signal (clip VT("/sig2")))

    (setq new_x_axis (drGetWaveformYVec to_be_x))
    (drPutWaveformXVec useful_signal new_x_axis)

    (plot useful_signal)

    sig1 and sig2 are two signals from the same simulation with the same x-
    axis and same number of points. I am so to speak plotting sig2 vs sig1.

    Now if I run a corner simulation and try the same, then icfb exits with
    a segmentation fault.

    My question is if I am misunderstanding the functionality of
    drPutWaveformXVec when I try to use it on a family of waveforms or if it
    is not currently supported to change the x-axsis of a family in one run
    like this.

    I guess that ripping the family apart, changing x-axis for each single
    member and then putting together a new family before sending it off to
    plot, would be a work-around (which I will try next)
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 10, 2005
  2. Hi Svenn,

    You can probably use famMap to do this - to iterate over the members of
    the family and then do the drPutWaveformXVec on each child waveform.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 11, 2005
  3. Svenn Are Bjerkem

    DarthJess Guest

    I believe there's a pcr on this issue: pcr 756405.

    DarthJess, Nov 14, 2005
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