changing the SW 2008 serial number

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WormSign, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    We have 3 seats of SolidWorks, two seats were installed and the 3rd seat was
    still at SW 2006 running on W2K. While I was at Solidworks World last week
    out IT guy decided to do the upgrade of the operating system and SolidWorks.
    He had lost the paper I have him with the serial numbers for each seat so he
    just used the one that I had written in the DVD case which was the same one
    I used on my machine. He did not activate the license yet. What is the
    method of changing the serial number of this seat to the correct one?

    WormSign, Jan 28, 2008
  2. WormSign

    Jean Marc Guest

    USed to be: Regedit

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "Serial Number"="xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx"
    Jean Marc, Jan 28, 2008
  3. WormSign

    TEngle Guest

    What is the method of changing the serial number of this seat to the correct one?
    Control Panel

    Add and Remove Programs



    The setup interface will start. Eventually, it will prompt for the
    license number.
    TEngle, Jan 28, 2008
  4. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    I did the registry edit but now when trying to activate this license I get:

    Activation Transaction Failed:
    Activation count exceeded
    Either transfer a license from another computer
    and retry or call your reseller (3/0)

    Now as I mentioned we have 3 licenses of Solidworks, only two serial numbers
    have been used. One of the 2 used serial numbers serves my desktop at work
    and my laptop. Would that be causing the problem? I've never been asked to
    tranfer a license from the desktop to the laptop or vice versa. I've left
    two messages at my reseller's tech support with no call backs yet so I'm
    turning to you guys..

    And on the same subject...the new install defaults to metric units, where do
    you change this or is it just set by the template?

    WormSign, Jan 28, 2008
  5. WormSign

    iQ Guest

    You have just seen the activation nightmare that a few others have
    seen. it looks like you have reset the serial numbers (from your
    comments) but were denied activation. this is the PITA requirement.
    you will need to contact your VAR or SWx directly and have them
    dismiss the activation. this requires a signed note to SWx that VAR
    or SWx corp can generate. proper way to do this it to transfer
    license prior to rebuild, then rebuild computers, then activation will
    work. took SWx corp 2 days for this to happen on one of my serial
    numbers. iQ
    iQ, Jan 28, 2008
  6. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    I see what you mean. It's been 24 hours now since the VAR's tech guy said
    he would take care of it!!

    Thanks for the info to all who replied.
    WormSign, Jan 29, 2008
  7. WormSign

    TOP Guest

    Time to go network license.

    TOP, Feb 1, 2008
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