changing the color of a solid

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by wwswimming, May 15, 2005.

  1. wwswimming

    wwswimming Guest

    how do you change the color on a solid in Pro-E ?

    question #2 - if i wanted to set the default color so that all parts
    generated from then on are the new color, how do i make that adjustment

    wwswimming, May 15, 2005
  2. wwswimming

    jackK Guest

    1) In Pro/e 2001

    click VIEW from drop down menu

    cursor down to MODEL SETUP and cursor over and click on COLOR AND
    APPEARANCES. ( appearances box opens )

    click ADD (appearance exitor box opens)

    in the color section click on the color sq on the right (color editor
    box opens)

    3 ways to use color editor
    (first way) COLOR WHEEL
    (third) SLIDERS

    make color pick

    click CLOSE

    click OK

    click SET (to change whole part)
    if you want to change just a couple of surfaces

    in the set object appearance section click on the drop down box and
    choose an option (example: surfaces)

    then just click on the surfaces you want to change to that color

    click DONE

    click SET

    click CLOSE

    2) I don't know (never needed to)
    jackK, May 15, 2005
  3. wwswimming

    wwswimming Guest

    thank you, very much !!
    wwswimming, May 15, 2005
  4. You'll want to save that .map file if you want it to be the same next
    time you open it otherwise you'll have to change it again
    piearesquared2, May 16, 2005
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