changing saveDir and projectDir as library changes

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Whisker, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Whisker

    Whisker Guest


    I'm having problems figuring out how to do the following:

    Instead of just using fixed defaults for saveDir and projectDir (such
    as ./artist_states and ./simulation respectively - and I don't care
    how these were set - either by .cdsenv entry or use of envSetVal) , I
    would like to have projectDir and saveDir follow the library of the
    schematic being simulated.

    In other words, if I opened MyLib->MyCell->schematic and then invoked
    Analog Artist, I would like the projectDir to already be defaulted to
    ../simulation/MyLib and I would like the saveDir to already be
    defaulted to ./simulation/MyLib/artist_states. Similarly, if I then
    opened YourLib->YourCell->schematic and invoked Analog Artist or just
    chose YourLib->YourCell->schematic from the Setup - Design form , I
    would want these two values to automatically be changed to
    ../simulation/YourLib and ./simulation/YourLib/artist_states

    I've thought about adding skill to run after a trigger event, but I am
    not sure which trigger is appropriate. Also, I haven't found a
    foolproof method of grabbing the library name which works under all
    the different ways to switch what will be simulated. Additionally, it
    would be awesome if whatever solution would also work for Ocean as

    Any and all help/ideas would be great. Thanks.
    Whisker, Apr 28, 2004
  2. Hi,

    Have you tried to use envSetVal within the libraries
    files? This is just a guess and I either don't know if this
    is the right approach.

    Bernd Fischer, Apr 28, 2004
  3. Whisker

    S. Badel Guest

    this is a nice problem, hard to solve without having to hack artist's
    maybe what you could do is register a trigger for analogArtist-schematic
    subview type.

    deRegUserTriggers( "analogArtist-schematic" nil nil 'myFunc )

    tried it, and it looks it is called whenever artist in invoked, but also
    when changing design inside artist.
    S. Badel, Apr 28, 2004
  4. Whisker

    Whisker Guest


    You touched upon one idea that I tried, however, I couldn't seem to
    automatically generate the library name in a dynamic way - I was
    hoping for one that I could just copy from library to
    library without any edits. I tried
    dbGetCellViewDdId(deGetCellView())->lib->name and
    dbGetCellViewDdId(geGetEditCellView())->lib->name both of which work
    from the CIW, but neither worked from I figure this is
    because the library manager is a separate executable. Perhaps I need
    to create a file? I've read the Library Manager User
    Guide and it indicates that SKILL callback procedures always receive
    the argument list selection currently specified in the library
    manager. The library manager sends the data selection specification
    fully corresponding to the 5.X architecture as a list of five strings:
    out how to access this list. It seems like it had the data I was
    after (LIBNAME). Any ideas out there?

    Whisker, Apr 28, 2004
  5. Whisker

    Whisker Guest


    I think you may have my solution. I will follow your lead and see if
    I can get it working. Thank you and I'll post back how things turn

    Whisker, Apr 28, 2004
  6. Whisker

    Whisker Guest


    Here's what I have so far, but it's not working yet. When I query
    values in the CIW, the saveDir and projectDir read properly. However,
    when I open the forms that should be showing these variables, the
    values are not correct. It's as if a callback is not getting
    triggered. If I do a netlist or save a state, the incorrect values
    are used.
    In my ~/.cdsenv file I have these two lines:
    asimenv saveDir string "./simulation/"
    asimenv.startup projectDir string "./simulation/"
    In my ~/.cdsinit file I have these two lines:
    envSetVarDefaultToCurrVal( "asimenv" "saveDir" )
    envSetVarDefaultToCurrVal( "asimenv.startup" "projectDir" )
    if( !deGetAppInfo("analogArtist-schematic")->userPostInstallTrigger
    printf("\nNo analogArtist-schematic user trigger is
    registered.\nInstalling My_asimenv_defaults_appTrigger.\n\n")
    deRegUserTriggers( "analogArtist-schematic" nil nil
    printf("\nWARNING!: A analogArtist-schematic user trigger is
    already registered as: %s\n"
    printf("\nThis user trigger will be replaced by
    deUnRegUserTriggers( "analogArtist-schematic")
    deRegUserTriggers( "analogArtist-schematic" nil nil

    procedure( My_asimenv_defaults_appTrigger( args "l")
    let( (My_debug libSimPath libStatePath)
    ; My_debug=nil
    if(My_debug then println(args))
    libSimPath = strcat( envGetDefVal( "asimenv.startup"
    "projectDir" ) args->libName )
    envSetVal( "asimenv.startup" "projectDir" 'string libSimPath )
    printf("Set projectDir environment value to %s\n" libSimPath)
    libStatePath = strcat( libSimPath "/artist_states" )
    envSetVal( "asimenv" "saveDir" 'string libStatePath )
    printf("Set saveDir environment value to %s\n" libStatePath)
    ) ; end of let
    ) ; end of procedure

    So close, but yet so far away... Any ideas? All help is greatly

    Whisker, Apr 29, 2004
  7. Whisker

    S. Badel Guest

    yep, probably those variable are only read once. This is the
    case with many tools, you cannot change environment options
    procedurally once they are loaded.

    for your problem have a look at the asi* and sev* functions,
    described in Cadence Analog Environment SKILL Reference.

    i found this one to set the .artist_states directory.

    you'll probably find what you need there.

    S. Badel, Apr 29, 2004
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