Changing layers

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Maintenancedude2000, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Using a lisp routine, how can I take everything in a drawing off of
    layer 0 (including everything inside blocks), and put it on a new layer
    ARCH 0? I have been trying to edit the associate list, but with no

    Maintenancedude2000, Dec 5, 2006
  2. You have to cycle through every entity, and change the group 8 code to suit
    your layer, and then ENTMOD.

    Show us what you have so far.
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 5, 2006
  3. Maintenancedude2000

    Steve Guest

    I use filter type FI at command line and select everything on the layer then
    change to new layer. For blocks select them and change to new layer.
    Steve, Dec 6, 2006
  4. He wants a LISP solution.
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 6, 2006
  5. Maintenancedude2000

    Mr. B Guest

    Here is a LISP routine (I can't remember who wrote the original one)... but it
    changes blocks to LAYER Zero (0).

    Just change that line:
    ;Changes layer to 0
    (setq Edata(subst (cons 8 "0")(assoc 8 Edata)Edata))

    ..... from CONS 8 "0" to Cons 8 "yourlayername"... and it should work.


    ; Block0.LSP redefines all objects in a block on layer 0, with color and
    ; set to BYLAYER. Changed blocks will then take on the properties of the
    ; that they are inserted on. The routine works by modifing objects in the
    block table,
    ; so the blocks never have to be exploded.
    ; The global method redefines ALL objects in every block in the current
    ; except dimensions, hatching or xrefs, even if they are on a layer that is
    ; frozen or turned off.
    ; The select method redefines blocks selected with any standard selection
    ; as well as any blocks nested in the selected block(s).

    (defun To-0( Blck / Bname Blist E Edata Spinn Tmp )

    ;Prints a pinwheel on the command line
    (defun Spinn ( )
    (setq SYM
    ((= SYM nil) "-")
    ((= SYM "-") "\\")
    ((= SYM "\\") "|")
    ((= SYM "|") "/")
    ((= SYM "/") "-")
    (princ (strcat "\rScanning... " SYM ""))
    );end Spinn

    (if (=(type Blck)(read "LIST"))(setq Tmp(car Blck) Blist(cdr Blck) Blck Tmp
    Tmp nil))
    (setq Blck (tblsearch "BLOCK" Blck))
    (/=(logand(cdr(assoc 70 Blck))1)1) ;skips annomyous blocks
    (/= (logand(cdr(assoc 70 Blck))4)4) ;skips xrefs
    (setq E (cdr (assoc -2 Blck)))
    (while E
    ;If the object is a block
    (if (=(cdr(assoc 0 (entget E))) "INSERT")
    ;save the name to a list
    (setq Bname(cdr(assoc 2(entget E))))
    (if (not (member Bname Blist))
    ;create the list if it doesn't exist
    (if (not Blist)(setq Blist (list Bname))
    (setq Blist(append Blist(list Bname)))
    (setq Edata (entget E))
    ;Resets object color to BYLAYER if it isn't
    (if(assoc 62 Edata)
    (setq Edata(subst(cons 62 256)(assoc 62 Edata)Edata))
    ;Resets object linetype to BYLAYER if it isn't
    (if(assoc 6 Edata)
    (setq Edata(subst(cons 6 "BYLAYER")(assoc 6 Edata)Edata))
    ;Changes layer to 0
    (setq Edata(subst (cons 8 "0")(assoc 8 Edata)Edata))
    ;updates entity
    (entmod Edata)
    ;get next enitiy, nil if end of block
    (setq E (entnext E))
    );end while E
    Blist ;returns names of any nested blocks

    ; =================================================================
    ; Main program
    (defun c:Block0( / Blk_nm Choice E Edata Idx Pk_Blk SS )
    (command "._undo" "m")
    (setq Choice "S")
    (initget "A S")

    (setq Choice(getkword (strcat "\n<A>ll Blocks or <S>elected Blocks: <"
    Choice "> ")))
    (if(not Choice)(setq Choice "S"))
    (if (= (strcase Choice) "A")

    ;All Blocks
    (while (setq Blk_nm(tblnext "BLOCK" (null Blk_nm)))
    (TO-0 (cdr(assoc 2 Blk_nm)))

    ;Selected Block
    (prompt "\nSelect Block(s) to Clean Up: ")
    (setq SS(ssget '((0 . "INSERT"))))
    (setq Idx 0)

    (repeat (sslength SS)
    (setq Blk (cdr(assoc 2 (entget(ssname SS Idx)))))
    (Pk_Blk (setq Pk_Blk(append Pk_Blk (list Blk))))
    (T (setq Pk_Blk(list Blk)))
    (setq Idx(1+ Idx))

    (while Pk_Blk
    (setq Pk_Blk(To-0 Pk_Blk))


    (command "._regen")
    ; (princ "\rFinished ")

    Mr. B, Dec 7, 2006
  6. Maintenancedude2000

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Here buddy, I call it Lay2lay.
    1: Create entity on wanted layer, if there is none already
    2: Pick object on layer you want to change (in your case:0) then pick the
    entity you created in step 1
    3: Lather, rinse, repeat.

    (DEFUN c:lay2lay (/ pick pick2 startlay endlay stuff cnt each)
    ;; Selection de la couche de départ et de destination
    (SETQ pick (ENTSEL "\n Pick object on starting layer..."))
    ;; L'objet choisi se met en surbrillance
    (REDRAW (CAR pick) 3)
    (SETQ pick2 (ENTSEL
    (strcat "\n( "(cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car pick))))" ) Pick object on
    destination layer...")
    (SETQ startlay (CDR (ASSOC 8 (CDR (ENTGET (CAR pick))))))
    ; Name of start layer
    (SETQ endlay (CDR (ASSOC 8 (CDR (ENTGET (CAR pick2))))))
    ; Name of destination layer
    (CONS 8 (EVAL startlay))
    (SETQ stuff (SSGET "X" (LIST (CONS 8 (EVAL startlay)))))
    (SETQ cnt 0)
    (REPEAT (SSLENGTH stuff)
    (SETQ each (ENTGET (SSNAME stuff cnt)))
    (SETQ each
    (SUBST (CONS 8 endlay)
    (ASSOC 8 each) ; Changes the layer group in STARTLAY
    each ; to layer ENDLAY.
    (ENTMOD each)
    (SETQ cnt (+ cnt 1))
    ) ;_end REPEAT
    (command "_.regen")
    (STRCAT "\n ---> " (ITOA cnt) " objects have changed layers.")

    Dr Fleau
    Dr Fleau, Dec 7, 2006
  7. Maintenancedude2000

    Dr Fleau Guest

    I admit I never tried to change a block with attributes with this routine.
    Let me know how it works.

    Dr Fleau
    Dr Fleau, Dec 7, 2006
  8. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I havent had time to try any of
    them yet, but I will let you know when I do.
    Maintenancedude2000, Dec 7, 2006
  9. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I havent had time to try any of
    them yet, but I will let you know when I do.
    Maintenancedude2000, Dec 7, 2006
  10. Thanks Mr. B, that routine works great in my routine.
    Maintenancedude2000, Dec 11, 2006
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