Changing layers and colors in blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by flash, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. flash

    flash Guest

    I have some borders and titleblocks that I need to combine on the same layers.
    The borders are on the border layer and the color is red. The titleblock is on a titleblock layer and its color is green.

    Using VBA, how do I convert the titleblock "block" to the border layer and make both border and titleblock blue.

    flash, Oct 11, 2004
  2. flash

    MP Guest

    to manipulate an object you have to get a reference to it - either by
    selecting on screen or using a filtered selection set to iterate the entire

    once you have the object you want to manipulate (border block, titleblock
    etc) you set it's properties
    if titleblock blockreference is oBlkRef
    oBlkRef.Layer = "LayerYouWant"
    oBlkRef.Color = "ColorYouWant"


    is on a titleblock layer and its color is green.
    make both border and titleblock blue.
    MP, Oct 11, 2004
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