changing default "Merge Result" setting?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pringle584, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. pringle584

    pringle584 Guest

    Is there any way to change the default "Merge Result" setting?

    I would like to build features without constantly having them merge
    with previous features. Is there a way to shut off the default
    checked box?


    San Francisco, CA
    pringle584, Apr 14, 2008
  2. pringle584

    jlbeen Guest

    I beleive if you start with a weldment feature first it will
    automatically NOT merge the bodies. At least that's how it is on my
    jlbeen, Apr 15, 2008
  3. pringle584

    yawdro Guest

    That's right. Just set up your part template with a weldment feature
    in it. You can also set up some default values for every item in the
    cut list by right clicking the weldment feature and setting it's
    yawdro, Apr 15, 2008
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