changing cursor orientation

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by williamhenry, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. williamhenry

    williamhenry Guest

    not knowing the correct jargon will make this post longer than necessary ,

    I do most of my drawing in AutoCAD 2006 using 3d solids

    I like to draw in the southeast isometric view , the only way I can change
    the orientation of the

    cursor is to go to the orthogonal view for the side I want and then back to

    I have tried isoplane and f5 to no avail

    is there a shortcut or custom command I can run to be able to cycle through
    the left , right ,

    top planes easily with a single button [ hoping to assign it to one of the
    extras on my mouse

    thanks for any help
    williamhenry, Jun 22, 2005
  2. williamhenry

    strawberry Guest

    UCS X 90
    UCS X -90
    UCS Y... etc

    should work
    strawberry, Jun 22, 2005
  3. williamhenry

    williamhenry Guest

    is there any way to make this a one button command?
    williamhenry, Jun 22, 2005
  4. williamhenry

    strawberry Guest

    Yes, but you'd probably want to make a button for each of the 6

    (+90 or -90 in each of the 3 axes)

    The basic method is to right click on the toolbars to bring up the
    Customize... option, then, under Commands, hit User defined.

    Select the (helpfully) invisible square next to "User Defined Button"
    and drag it onto a toolbar (preferably one you've already created
    yourself, but any will do).

    Right click over the newly created button to bring up its properties.
    Give it a name, description, nice picture and then type this in the
    Macro window:


    Hit Close, repeat for all the variations and you're done.
    strawberry, Jun 23, 2005
  5. williamhenry

    strawberry Guest

    Actually toolbar UCS II has all this already (as a drop down menu)
    strawberry, Jun 23, 2005
  6. williamhenry

    S. Scalise Guest

    Creation of customized toolbar buttons has changed dramatically with the
    2006 release. "Customized User Interface" (cui) is how one modifies and
    customizes the toolbars/buttons in '06. And, strangely, there is no longer a
    "user defined" button available.
    S. Scalise, Jun 24, 2005
  7. williamhenry

    strawberry Guest

    Oops, guess I'm out of touch!
    strawberry, Jun 24, 2005
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