changing colors in viewports

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JG, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. JG

    JG Guest

    Thanks to your replies I have learned to work with PaperSpace.
    I created our office's first Paper Space project this last week.
    We've been working in Model space forever, (myself for the last
    6 1/2 yrs). However I've run into a snag today. My boss wants
    the overlapping areas around matchlines to be grayed out in color.
    I would just as well clip the viewport at the matchline but he likes
    to show some of the adjoining sheet on each sheet but he wants
    it grayed in color. The only way I can figure to do this (we are
    all still working in R-14 even though we have LDD 2000i in office)
    is to copy the area and paste it into paperspace (after clipping the
    viewport) and gray out everything. The problem here to me is
    the main reason I wanted to move to paper was to "keep" the
    layout (civil engineering) in tact and not have to split it up. If
    I have to start copying things out of the layout then come
    revision time I'm still going to have to recopy or re-edit everything
    that is not in the main layout. Is there a way to work around
    this ?
    JG, Jun 28, 2007
  2. JG

    Beatle Guest

    Until autocad comes up with a way to make a viewport-specific color change,
    the way you're proposing doing this is probably simplest.

    One other way you could do it, but would require copying your model-space

    Do a "Save As" on your current drawing (for example, if your drawing is
    called Model.dwg, save it as Model-Copy.dwg.) Then, XREF Model-Copy.dwg
    into Model.dwg. You will now basically have 2 copies of the same model
    space stuff on top of each other in model space. Go into layer manager and
    change all of the Model-Copy XREF dependant layers to a color or linetype
    that will print "greyed out". Now go into your viewport in Paper Space and
    freeze all those same XREF layers in it. Then, create a new viewport, zoom
    to same scale as original viewport, and line them up by snapping to
    reference points. Now stretch the new viewport as needed to line up with
    your matchlines, and stretch them a bit past as you need. Now go into the
    new viewport and freeze all layers EXCEPT the Model-Copy XREF layers (and of
    course the layer you inserted the XREF on.) You can then add viewports as
    needed for every matchline, following the same method. The biggest drawback
    is every time Model.dwg changes you have to remember to update
    Model-Copy.dwg as well.

    Beatle, Jun 28, 2007
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