Changing code from SDI to MDI (SDI=1 to SDI=0)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pkirill, Jul 29, 2003.

  1. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    We have a batch processor that does a lot of really great stuff. The
    drawback is that it was originally created in R14 and modified for R2000 by
    adding SDI toggles. The way it it basically works is using the input from
    the form, it writes a script that runs when AutoCAD is opened using the
    'acad.exe /b' switch. And it opens and closes AutoCAD for each drawing it
    processes. I'd like to change this so it opens acad once, then opens a
    drawing, runs the script, closes that drawing, opens the next drawing, runs
    the script, closes, etc - Multiple Document Interface.

    Could someone show me how to do this? I can't imaging it's that difficult.
    (famous last words from an optimistic newbie)

    Here's what we're using now:

    Temp = Shell("c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2004\acad.exe /b c:\temp\DLPlot",

    Thanks for any help!
    pkirill, Jul 29, 2003
  2. pkirill

    Tim Riley Guest

    Here is an example. It works from excel vba. Be sure to add reference to


    Option Explicit

    Public Sub test()
    Dim acad As New AcadApplication
    Dim dwg As AcadDocument
    Dim strDwgs(3) As String
    Dim I As Integer

    strDwgs(0) = "c:\dwg\temp\aborder.dwg"
    strDwgs(1) = "c:\dwg\temp\bborder.dwg"
    strDwgs(2) = "c:\dwg\temp\cborder.dwg"
    strDwgs(3) = "c:\dwg\temp\dborder.dwg"

    For I = LBound(strDwgs) To UBound(strDwgs)
    Set dwg = acad.Documents.Open(strDwgs(I), False)
    dwg.SendCommand ("line 0,0 5,5 ")
    dwg.SendCommand ("circle 5,5 9 ")
    Next I

    Set acad = Nothing
    Set dwg = Nothing
    End Sub


    Tim Riley
    Tim Riley, Jul 29, 2003
  3. pkirill

    Tim Riley Guest

    I forgot that you wanted to run a script :/

    Here is the revised code:


    Option Explicit

    Public Sub test()
    Dim acad As New AcadApplication
    Dim dwg As AcadDocument
    Dim strDwgs(3) As String
    Dim I As Integer

    strDwgs(0) = "c:\dwg\temp\aborder.dwg"
    strDwgs(1) = "c:\dwg\temp\bborder.dwg"
    strDwgs(2) = "c:\dwg\temp\cborder.dwg"
    strDwgs(3) = "c:\dwg\temp\dborder.dwg"

    For I = LBound(strDwgs) To UBound(strDwgs)
    Set dwg = acad.Documents.Open(strDwgs(I), False)
    dwg.SetVariable "filedia", 0
    dwg.SendCommand ("script c:\dwg\150.scr" & vbNewLine)
    dwg.SetVariable "filedia", 1
    Next I

    Set acad = Nothing
    Set dwg = Nothing
    End Sub


    Tim Riley
    Tim Riley, Jul 29, 2003
  4. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    Thanks Tim! I have a couple questions if you have a couple minutes:
    1) Dim strdwgs(3) As String - is the '3' a limiter? Can I pass it another
    variable like a 'Count' - our processor provide a complete list of drawings
    that it gets from an INI file exported from Excel. Each item in the list
    has a check box and the routine sees the checked items and adds them to the
    processing list.

    2) If I wanted to just *open* the drawings and not run a script, I could do

    If chkOpenOnly.Value = Checked
    dwg.SetVariable "filedia", 0
    End If


    Thanks again for your help!!
    pkirill, Jul 31, 2003
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