changelog for sw2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TTB, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. TTB

    TTB Guest

    i can't find any complete changelog for sw2004 not even for each sp.
    how can i justify to my boss the price of a the subscription service if i
    can't show there's real improvment for us.
    our var can't even tell us if the new weld could be useful (the actual one
    is absolutely useless; i can't imagine people's working with it).

    is a such changelog exist ?

    TTB, Oct 3, 2003
  2. in the "Help" or "?" menu you should find a "Release Notes" or "Manuel des
    Nouveautés", which means you should download the software first... I saw
    them also on SW website, but can't remember.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Oct 3, 2003
  3. TTB

    kellnerp Guest


    It will be hard for him to justify the software to his boss if the
    information is in the file he will get only after buying it. We call that
    buying a pig in a poke. Don't ask me what a poke is. :)
    kellnerp, Oct 4, 2003
  4. TTB

    pete Guest

    What's a pig? ;-)))

    pete, Oct 5, 2003

  5. A poke is a bag. It's the word that pocket comes from, meaning a little bag
    originally. Buying a piglet in a bag, you were liable to find out that the
    pig was actually a cat when you got around to opening the bag. Or so the
    story goes. I find it hard to believe that folks couldn't tell a cat from a
    pig by the way it moved and the sounds it made, even if they weren't bright
    enough to open the bag before buying.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 6, 2003
  6. TTB

    kellnerp Guest


    Actually if you have ever put a cat in a bag you would know they get pretty
    docile after a short cooling off period. This of course excludes the wild
    cats I used to trap in my backyard. They would rip your face off just for
    the fun of it. I still haven't figured out how the vet at the animal
    "shelter" got the needle into them.

    Thanks for the explanation. Now I know how to get rid of my groundhog
    problem. Around Easter watch this space for a special on fresh ham. :)
    kellnerp, Oct 7, 2003
  7. TTB

    TTB Guest

    that's exactly my problem.
    In french : "face, je gagne; pile ,tu perds" (odd, i win; even, you loose).

    TTB, Oct 7, 2003
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