Change UCS Location using VBA

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by macleodjb, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. macleodjb

    macleodjb Guest

    Does anyone know how you can shift the UCS to another point in the coordinate system. I want to be able to pick a point and reference a series a commands generating lines and circles off of this point.

    I was tried to use SENDCOMMAND but it didn't work. Im guessing why it didn't work is because the function cannot have variables integrated into its syntax.

    So i was trying something like this.

    But what i had didn't work. Any ideas?
    macleodjb, Feb 18, 2005
  2. Are the series of commands that you are talking about VBA commands? If so,
    they will not be affected by changing the UCS origin, since all coordinates
    in VBA are in world CS. But if you're going to change the UCS and then run
    script commands, try the Add_UCS_Improved function below, and after calling
    the function to create a UCS, use the following line to make it active:

    ThisDrawing.ActiveUCS = ThisDrawing.UserCoordinateSystems("NewUCSname")


    coordinate system. I want to be able to pick a point and reference a series
    a commands generating lines and circles off of this point.
    didn't work is because the function cannot have variables integrated into
    its syntax.
    James Belshan, Feb 21, 2005
  3. macleodjb

    Dave Guest

    Take a look at the code below:
    It sets the ucs the way I want, gets points, transforms throught he current
    ucs, then I do some work, then transform them back.

    Public Sub Movec(AcadApp As AcadApplication)

    Dim Ent As AcadEntity
    Dim returnPnt1 As Variant
    Dim returnPnt2 As Variant
    Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim fromPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim movePoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim ucsObj As AcadUCS
    Dim WCSPnt1 As Variant
    Dim WCSPnt2 As Variant
    Dim UCSPnt1 As Variant
    Dim UCSPnt2 As Variant
    Dim currUCS As AcadUCS
    Dim fixfrompoint As Variant
    Dim fixtopoint As Variant

    Set AutoCAD_Application = AcadApp
    Set thisdrawing = AutoCAD_Application.ActiveDocument
    On Error Resume Next
    Set ssetObj = thisdrawing.SelectionSets.Add("prev")
    ssetObj.Select acSelectionSetPrevious

    thisdrawing.SendCommand "_ucs "
    thisdrawing.SendCommand "_v "

    Set currUCS = thisdrawing.ActiveUCS

    returnPnt1 = thisdrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Pick a from point: ")
    returnPnt2 = thisdrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Pick a to point: ")

    For Each Ent In ssetObj

    WCSPnt1 = returnPnt1
    UCSPnt1 = thisdrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(WCSPnt1, acWorld,
    acUCS, False)

    WCSPnt2 = returnPnt2
    UCSPnt2 = thisdrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(WCSPnt2, acWorld,
    acUCS, False)

    fromPoint(0) = UCSPnt1(0)
    fromPoint(1) = UCSPnt1(1)
    fromPoint(2) = 0

    movePoint(0) = UCSPnt2(0)
    movePoint(1) = UCSPnt2(1)
    movePoint(2) = 0

    fixfrompoint = thisdrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(fromPoint,
    acUCS, acWorld, False)
    fixtopoint = thisdrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(movePoint,
    acUCS, acWorld, False)

    Ent.Move fixfrompoint, fixtopoint


    thisdrawing.SendCommand "_ucs "
    thisdrawing.SendCommand "p "

    End Sub

    This code is copyright 2005, MillLister, Inc. It is posted for example only.
    You may use this code if you are not charging for it. If you wish to use
    this code in a project you are selling, then please contact me.. I will
    issue you a release for free.
    David Wishengrad
    President & CTO
    MillLister, Inc.
    Software for BOM, measuring, stretching and controlling visibility of
    multiple 3D solids.

    coordinate system. I want to be able to pick a point and reference a series
    a commands generating lines and circles off of this point.
    didn't work is because the function cannot have variables integrated into
    its syntax.
    Dave, Feb 24, 2005
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