Change to Upper Case

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mugenlude, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. Mugenlude

    Mugenlude Guest

    I'm looking for something that I can specify that will change the text to upper case BEFORE I begin typing. I have other upper case lsps that I can change the case AFTER I have completed the text, but I'm looking for something so when I am writing in DTEXT I see the text in upper case to start.

    Thanks in advance...
    Mugenlude, Dec 9, 2004
  2. Mugenlude

    RDI Guest

    The caps lock key on your keyboard is the only thing I can think of. <grin>

    Seriously though, there are utilities out there that will turn on the caps
    lock (i'd try looking for one at

    upper case BEFORE I begin typing. I have other upper case lsps that I can
    change the case AFTER I have completed the text, but I'm looking for
    something so when I am writing in DTEXT I see the text in upper case to
    RDI, Dec 9, 2004
  3. Mugenlude

    Tom Smith Guest

    McNeel & Associates DOSLib includes a caps lock toggle along with many other
    useful functions. It's considered an essential tool by many of the
    customizers here.
    Tom Smith, Dec 9, 2004
  4. Mugenlude

    RDI Guest

    Wouldn't it be simpler to just turn on CAPS using the CAPS lock key than to
    run a command to turn it on?
    upper case BEFORE I begin typing. I have other upper case lsps that I can
    change the case AFTER I have completed the text, but I'm looking for
    something so when I am writing in DTEXT I see the text in upper case to
    RDI, Dec 9, 2004
  5. Mugenlude

    Mugenlude Guest

    We toggle between different programs, and 98% of our writing in AutoCAD is in caps, so if I'm writing something in word in lower case the caps isn't on. When I toggle into AutoCAD and start the text command I want it to automatically be in caps, otherwise you forget and have to delete & re-type, or run another ACAD command to make it upper case...

    So if I can just write "upper case" into my text command I save time, and time is money.
    Mugenlude, Dec 9, 2004
  6. Mugenlude

    Dave Jones Guest

    in caps, so if I'm writing something in word in lower case the caps isn't
    on. When I toggle into AutoCAD and start the text command I want it to
    automatically be in caps, otherwise you forget and have to delete & re-type,
    or run another ACAD command to make it upper case...
    time is money.

    something like this? I don't know if Eric is still at this email but I can
    post the routine if you'd like a copy

    Capslock.lsp complete with notes and all
    For Autocad 2000x
    Written by: Eric Schneider, Reno, NV

    This program automatically toggles the 'capslock' whenever a *text command
    is encountered. Or it's supposed to anyway!
    This program requires VLR-Manager.fas and doslib2k.arx to be in the AutoCAD
    support path for "capslock" to work (both supplied in the
    Anyone is welcome to use modify this program or hack it to bits as long
    as Eric Schneider, or any other names aforementioned, are not held
    responsible for anything whatsoever and shall not be the subject of
    vulgarities. Just leave the credits in it. Deal? Cool! Enjoy the freedom
    of not having to toggle the 'capslock' key as much!
    Dave Jones, Dec 9, 2004
  7. Mugenlude

    Don I Guest

    Thx. That makes sense I was just a little confused and curious.
    Don I, Dec 9, 2004
  8. Hello!!! Problems???

    The solution:

    Get Doslib.arx (Doslib15.arx or Doslib16.arx) in:

    Descompact only files (no folder) in Autocad Support directory.

    Cad 2005 need Doslib16.arx.

    Load Doslib with appload. Not necessary add to Startup Suite, because are (or is?) loaded in next autocad section.
    (sorry my english)

    Use the comands: DT for text, MT for Mtexts.

    The routines:

    (defun C:DT ()
    (princ "\n Need Doslib14, 15 or 16 loaded! \n")
    (dos_capslock T)
    (command "Dtext")

    (defun C:MT ()
    (princ "\n Need Doslib14, 15 or 16 loaded! \n")
    (dos_capslock T)
    (command "Mtext")

    If you need uise in others routines, write the string (dos_capslock T)
    before all routines your need.


    Rogerio_Brazil, Dec 10, 2004
  9. To turn off Capslock, simple type
    in the command line.

    P.S. Thank very much, Mcnell, for your work!!!


    Rogerio_Brazil, Dec 10, 2004
  10. Mugenlude

    Rick Moore Guest

    You can turn on AutoCAPS in the mtext editor by right-clicking in the
    editor, it's an option on the context menu.


    Rick Moore
    Barnes Gromatzky Kosarek Architects
    Rick Moore, Dec 10, 2004
  11. Yes, if you add "(dos_capslock)" to that button. Something like, '^C^C(dos_capslock);_mtext'

    Then again, give money for those who comply.

    W. Kirk Crawford
    Rochester Hills, Michigan
    W. Kirk Crawford, Dec 12, 2004
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