Change text scale in layout view

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steve P, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. Steve P

    Steve P Guest

    Using ACAD 2002, I am working on a drawing with the symbols and text based
    on a 30-scale. I do all the drawing in model space and then use a layout
    viewport for plotting with my standard titleblock and legend. I now need to
    setup another sheet at a 10-scale to show more detail. Is there any way to
    have the text and/or symbols display according to viewport scale? Otherwise
    I have to have two copies of everything, one at each scale and managed by
    freezing/thawing layers.

    Any help is greatly appreciated,
    Steve P.
    Steve P, Jan 14, 2004
  2. Steve P

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Annotate in PAPERSPACE.
    OLD-CADaver, Jan 16, 2004
  3. Steve P

    wallyb Guest

    I just wblock out the region of the detail and make another copy for the detail view. Otherwise, it really gets too complicated. KISS. I know you are really not; but even the smartest of us follow that rule.

    Wally McMillan
    McMillan Engineers.
    wallyb, Jan 20, 2004
  4. Steve P

    Tom Irvin Guest

    Putting text (especially notation text) in paper space can lead to
    sheet composition problems. If text, properly sized, is in
    modelspace, it "moves" if you move the image in a viewport.

    You're working in "30 scale"? That's a scale factor of 1:360 so text
    must be 360 times larger than the size when viewed in paperspace.
    Same with symbols assuming they were created real world size to begin
    with. Just remember that when you specify at viewport scale factor,
    you're designating a reduction factor for images (so they'll fit on a
    plotted sheet). Work backwards from there.

    Good Luck!
    Tom Irvin, Jan 27, 2004
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