change rotation in tool pallete

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CEIDave, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. CEIDave

    CEIDave Guest

    Ok... so with acad2004 came the abliity to use tool palletes and with that ability we decided to change our block insertion from toolbars to the palletes. We've also got the tool pallete extension.

    The only thing I'm still annoyed with is the inability to figure out how to set each button to allow the rotation to be set on insertion, not set by the actual button. Any ideas?
    CEIDave, Oct 1, 2004
  2. CEIDave

    Jim Claypool Guest

    Right click the pallete and select Customize.
    From the Commands Tab select UserDefined
    Drag a new button onto the pallete
    Right Click the new button, select properties
    Add the command you want

    You could also just drag the buttons off of your existing toolbars and the
    commands will follow.
    Jim Claypool, Oct 1, 2004
  3. CEIDave

    Gordon Price Guest

    This will work, but it then looses the ability to keep your blocks in a
    single DWG for easy management. My hope is that R2006 Tool Palettes support
    more customization of the insert process without resorting to a Command
    Tool. This is a workaround that solves CEIDave's problem, however.

    Gordon Price, Oct 1, 2004
  4. Maybe I'm wrong or I misunderstand your question, but if you go to the tool
    palette and do a right click in the particular button or block that you want
    to insert, just below rotation row is another row where it ask you "prompt
    for rotation" by defect is "no", if you change to "yes" you have the ability
    to insert your block and with your mouse you can set any angle that you want

    Elvis Landaverde, Oct 1, 2004
  5. CEIDave

    Jim Claypool Guest

    You are right.

    Jim Claypool, Oct 1, 2004
  6. Right, I misunderstood? or is the right answer?

    Elvis Landaverde, Oct 1, 2004
  7. CEIDave

    Jim Claypool Guest

    You have the right answer!

    Jim Claypool, Oct 1, 2004
  8. CEIDave

    Jim Claypool Guest

    I need to change that.
    You have the right answer for 2005 but not 2004.
    Jim Claypool, Oct 1, 2004
  9. CEIDave

    CEIDave Guest

    Thanks guys! :)

    Missed a day due to spending a few hours in the hospital with a pregnant wife!

    We are on 2004, soon to be upgrading to 05 I believe, and that will make my life much simpler from what I see here. I am currently using a drag and drop kind of system to set up the tool palletes. Originally I used one big file with all of our blocks, but now I'm going back and using design center to drag the individual block files to the pallete as they insert much quicker this way and are easier to keep updated if I don't have to go and redefine them in the source file.
    CEIDave, Oct 5, 2004
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