change ltscale

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kiwi Russ, May 17, 2004.

  1. Kiwi Russ

    Kiwi Russ Guest

    how can change the ltscale of just one line entity rather than a global
    thanks Russ
    Kiwi Russ, May 17, 2004
  2. Kiwi Russ

    nagesh nangi Guest

    dxfcode 48 gives ltscale of individual entity.
    nagesh nangi, May 17, 2004
  3. Kiwi Russ

    Walt Engle Guest

    Go to Modify>Properties>pick the line and change it.
    Walt Engle, May 17, 2004
  4. (I assume he was wanting to do it via Lisp or some such route, i.e. it was a
    customization, rather than a drafting, question. So the DXF or assoc-list
    route posted earlier should be helpful.)

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, May 17, 2004
  5. Kiwi Russ

    Walt Engle Guest

    Well....assumptions can lead to problems sometimes. His question definitely did
    not address a lsp routine - it appeared he was a "newbie" trying to learn.
    Walt Engle, May 17, 2004
  6. (But then what would have drawn him to a Customization newsgroup?)

    Kent Cooper

    Kent Cooper, AIA, May 17, 2004
  7. Kiwi Russ

    Kiwi Russ Guest

    Walt - I would have thought it was obvious that I wanted the answer
    expressed in lisp.
    as Kent said "why would I post the question in the customization group"? ;-)
    Kiwi Russ, May 18, 2004
  8. Kiwi Russ

    NParcon Guest

    Try this code and see if it works:
    Substitute or assign a value to kiwiscale.

    (setq e (car (entsel))
    ed (entget e)
    (if (not (assoc 48 ed))
    (entmod (append ed (cons 48 kiwiscale)))
    (entmod (subst (cons 48 kiwiscale) (assoc 48 ed) ed))
    (entupd e)

    NParcon, May 18, 2004
  9. Kiwi Russ

    Kiwi Russ Guest

    Hi Noah
    and thanks!
    I've been looking through several books on how to do it. However I can't
    make your code work. It seems it doesn't like kiwiscale... "bad list"
    .....don't know why?
    also can I subsituite (setq e (car (entsel))
    for (setq e (entlast)) ?
    cheers Russ
    Kiwi Russ, May 18, 2004
  10. Kiwi Russ

    Joe Burke Guest


    As I recall, you are in the process of switching to vlisp ActiveX. Why go back to
    messing with DXF codes and entmod?

    (setq vobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nSelect object: "))))
    (vlax-put vobj 'LinetypeScale 0.25)

    The LinetypeScale property applies to all drawing objects.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, May 18, 2004
  11. Kiwi Russ

    Walt Engle Guest

    Too late to know what your original post was, however my answer was a
    generalization of why fool around with a lsp routine when you can have your
    ltscale setup automatically with acad.lsp (although I didn't mention that
    Walt Engle, May 18, 2004
  12. Kiwi Russ

    Kiwi Russ Guest

    Aloha Joe
    hey that works like magic. Yeah still trying to get my head
    around activeX even though there are less lines of code. I must study some
    many thanks
    Kiwi Russ, May 19, 2004
  13. Kiwi Russ

    Joe Burke Guest


    You're welcome.

    You might find a little thing like this useful while learning the ActiveX stuff. I
    still use it.

    (defun c:dump ( / ename )
    (while (not (setq ename (car (entsel))))
    (princ "\nSelect object: ")
    (vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object ename))
    ) ;end

    Displays at the text screen the properties available for the object picked. Assuming
    the property isn't read only (RO), (vlax-put vla-object '<property>) should work.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, May 19, 2004
  14. Joe,

    You ought to change that code to dump the methods also:

    (vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object ename) T)

    R. Robert Bell


    You're welcome.

    You might find a little thing like this useful while learning the ActiveX
    stuff. I
    still use it.

    (defun c:dump ( / ename )
    (while (not (setq ename (car (entsel))))
    (princ "\nSelect object: ")
    (vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object ename))
    ) ;end

    Displays at the text screen the properties available for the object picked.
    the property isn't read only (RO), (vlax-put vla-object '<property>) should

    Joe Burke
    R. Robert Bell, May 19, 2004
  15. Kiwi Russ

    Joe Burke Guest

    Thanks, Robert. I didn't know that.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, May 20, 2004
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