change insert point of hatch item

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by R. Hamm, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. R. Hamm

    R. Hamm Guest

    I have some "earth" hatches and they somehow have an insert point
    about 4 inches off the left side of the title block. I cannot use
    refedit to fix it because:
    ** Cannot REFEDIT anonymous block **
    shows up. The problem is I cannot do a zoom extents or a zoom all, can
    this be fixed? I know I can zoom window but there must be a way to fix
    R.L. Hamm
    R. Hamm, Oct 28, 2005
  2. R. Hamm

    bestafor Guest

    One can edit the hatch pattern.
    bestafor, Oct 29, 2005
  3. R. Hamm

    zenboom Guest

    how about making blocks of each hatch area yourself?
    zenboom, Oct 30, 2005
  4. R. Hamm

    R. Hamm Guest

    Someone made all the hatch areas as 1 hatch, I would have to explode
    them and start over, thought there would be a shortcut.
    I always make my hatches separate for this reason.
    R. Hamm, Oct 31, 2005
  5. R. Hamm

    R. Hamm Guest

    well, it can be edited to a point, but not the insert point, I use ver
    2000 and assoc hatching is slightly editable but non-assoc is better
    for editing, why didn't they make it so assoc hatching opens the
    dialogue box so it can be edited the same? Hmm.
    R. Hamm, Oct 31, 2005
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