Change Density when Changing Configurations...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bernie Mares, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. Bernie Mares

    Bernie Mares Guest

    SW does not seem to be able to distinguish the change in density when I
    change configurations on drawings. What I always get is the mass for the
    "active" configuration of the part.
    The same part could have different configurations for different types of
    material and so the mass should change on a drawing when I change sheets to
    show different configurations of the same part. This issue seems elementary
    but I don't know how to accomplish it. Any insight would be greatly

    Example: (not a real life project)
    I want to produce a bunch of cast iron cubes x 6" square.
    First, I build a wood pattern that will be the shape of the cube. From the
    wood pattern I produce an aluminum part, also in the shape of the cube.
    The aluminum part becomes the final "pattern" that I will use to cavity out
    the mold to pour hot metal into--producing the cast iron cube.

    I model the cast iron part in SW, add a configuration for the aluminum and
    another configuration for the wood. Material types correctly state the
    density as I toggle through the three different configurations. I produce
    a three page drawing that has the cast iron cube on page one, the aluminum
    cube on page two and the wood cube on page three.

    The mass for each cube is:
    Cast Iron: 61#
    Aluminum: 21#
    Wood: 4#

    On my three page drawing I get the SAME mass being displayed on each page.
    If the active configuration happens to be the cast iron then the aluminum
    and wood also show 61# on their respective drawings. If I change the active
    configuration to wood all three pages go to 4#, etc.

    SW should be able to handle this kind of simple change. Why can't I get the
    configuration specific "density" to change the mass on my drawings?
    My "SW workaround" is to print one page at a time after I changing the
    material type.

    I hope the problem is me and not SW because I have some large drawing sets
    with a lot of configurations and this issue is expensive to deal with.

    (The simple example above does not take in consideration shrinkage allowance
    or draft.)

    Bernie Mares, Jul 17, 2004
  2. Bernie Mares

    mplanchard Guest


    You are almost there. You have defined the Density property in the
    model. You require a Linked note in the drawing. For each Sheet,
    utilize Link to Property. There are three options. You are selecting
    the current model specific in Sheet Properties. You want to link your
    note to the view configuration.

    Regards, Marie
    mplanchard, Jul 17, 2004
  3. Bernie Mares

    Bob J. Guest

    I was wrong in my description. Change the material type on one
    configuration and all the configurations change to that type of material.
    Why?? Material type should be configuration specific just like any other
    feature. The only difference I see is that "material type" it is way high
    in the tree. If I can get the material type to be configuration specific
    then I show mass correctly in individual drawings. With the material type
    propigating through all the configurations I see no way to show the correct
    mass of a part on a combined drawing set. If I set the material type to
    steel then the aluminum and wood parts show up in the drawing as weighing
    the same as steel....

    Bob J., Jul 17, 2004
  4. SW2004 doesn't allow a different material for different configs. SW2005

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 20, 2004
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