Change company and sourcelink account hiccup

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by svenn.are, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. svenn.are

    svenn.are Guest


    this just have to go to the group as a small reminder:

    Lately I changed employer. I used to work with Cadence and I still
    work with Cadence. My seat changed, but my tools didn't. Now, both my
    old and my new employer have service accounts with Cadence so there
    should be no problem about receiving any support for free here.

    I sent a service request via Sourcelink that I wanted to have my saved
    PCR's and service requests and the MyLibrary stuff transfered to my
    new account. Because I still work with Cadence I want to have access
    to my old data. Sounds reasonable, or?

    What happened was that someone at Sourcelink closed my old account
    faster than I could say 'cake' and sent me an email that I had to open
    a new account with my new employer. Now I don't have access to my old
    data any longer so I can't reconstruct my library in my new account.

    I *could* have continued to use my old account in parallell with my
    new account, but I didn't. I asked before I started digging, and was
    badly punished for this. Sourcelink ties the users to the companies
    where they work but when I change company, I still need to access my
    personal data collected over years. So, my recomendation is to
    carefully print out all data from Sourcelink before you even think
    about asking for a transfer. (Which will probably not work anyway, as
    I have found out.)
    svenn.are, Sep 24, 2004
  2. Hi Svenn,

    Whilst some of the information on your sourcelink ought to be
    transferrable (such as your library of solutions and so on), some
    things (like service requests, PCRs etc) are definitely tied to your
    company. They contain company proprietary information, and were filed
    on behalf of your company, albeit via you. The vast majority of our
    customers would not want you taking things you did on their behalf
    with you, much as they wouldn't want you taking designs done with one
    company to another.

    I'll speak to the sourcelink team and make the suggestion that it
    should be possible to take the non-proprietary parts of your
    sourcelink profile to a new account.


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 25, 2004
  3. svenn.are

    svenn.are Guest

    Yes, you are right about that, but that is just because Cadence ask
    the user to send an example for AE to work with. I once took the time
    to put together an example that was not tied to any design, general
    purpose, so to speak, and that took a lot more time than just sending
    over the company data. Well, that is what design support is all about
    in the first place, so there is nothing more to say about that.
    Is this really only about me? I thought there must be a couple of
    other cadence litterate engineers out there that change jobs every now
    and then. I just want to have a page where I could enter the numbers
    of my open items so that I could nag the AE to get them fixed. You
    know: Out of sight out of mind....
    svenn.are, Sep 27, 2004
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