Change color in a block

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by benji48, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. benji48

    benji48 Guest

    Help!! I have hundreds of electrical symbols that have certain
    entities (but not all) on color 2. I'm searching for a routine that will change all entities with color 2 in a block to another color once block is inserted in drawing. The reason is I am trying to use the same symbol for different clients, but one client uses color 2 while another client might use color 4. I don't wont to double up on symbols and manually change them for different clients. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
    benji48, Jan 24, 2005
  2. benji48

    Rob Taylor Guest


    The code below can be used just after inserting a block into a drawing.

    like this
    (command "_.insert" blkname pt x_scale y_scale z_scale rotation)
    (ChangeBlkCol 2 7) ;BlkColOld BlkColNew
    ; this will change all entity within the block that are colour 2 to colour 7.
    Entities that are bylayer are not effected. if you use 0 the entity will be
    change to bylayer.

    Hope this helps ;)

    (defun ChangeBlkCol (BlkColOld BlkColNew / ent elist obj entType BlkName)
    (setq elist nil ent nil)
    (setq obj (entget (entlast))
    (setq entType (cdr (assoc 0 obj)))
    (if (= entType "INSERT")
    (setq BlkName (cdr (assoc 2 obj)))
    (setq ent (tblobjname "BLOCK" BlkName))
    (while ent
    (setq elist (entget ent '("*")))
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 62 elist)) BlkColOld)
    (setq obj (subst (cons 62 BlkColNew) (assoc 62 elist) elist))
    (entmod obj)
    (setq ent (entnext ent))
    Rob Taylor, Jan 24, 2005
  3. benji48

    GaryDF Guest

    error: malformed list on input

    GaryDF, Jan 24, 2005
  4. IMO, this is what layers are for.

    One way to make this simple:

    Keep the components that make up the symbol
    on layer zero, then place them on a layer which
    you can easily change the color of depending on
    the client.
    Jason Piercey, Jan 24, 2005
  5. benji48

    Rob Taylor Guest

    (setq obj (entget (entlast))

    should be
    (setq obj (entget (entlast)))
    Rob Taylor, Jan 24, 2005
  6. benji48

    Rob Taylor Guest

    he wants multiple colours in one block on one layer

    sometimes not everything can be bylayer :)
    Rob Taylor, Jan 24, 2005
  7. Sure it can, make more layers :)
    Jason Piercey, Jan 24, 2005
  8. benji48

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Which is the "right" solution. Colors and linetypes other than BYLAYER kill the part's use in XREF's.
    OLD-CADaver, Jan 24, 2005
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