Change code to work with UCS's

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by hutch, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. hutch

    hutch Guest

    I have a large app.
    Multiple spots in the code collects point from objects in a drawing. The in another spot uses these points to insert blocks.
    Without finding all the spots might there be a method I can use to make this work with a UCS other than the world usc?
    hutch, Jul 21, 2004
  2. hutch

    Guest Guest

    Look into the trans function.
    Guest, Jul 21, 2004
  3. hutch

    hutch Guest

    thanks... that worked...
    I used the trans funciont like this

    (trans pnt 0 1)

    that made it work with usc's and wcs.

    No I have another problem.

    I use the attext command in my code to extract attribute and block info. I could change this and extract this info all inside autucad with list. and infact I do this in a number of my applications. This one is different however.

    anyway the BL:ORIENT value in the template file extracts the angle of the block as it relates to the World Coordinate System. The block is inserted at 0 angle in ralatoin to the UCS but the angle in the extracted info is in relation to the WCS.

    Question: When I read back the info how can I convert the WCS angle to the current UCS equivilant angle?
    ... or maybe another way to put this...
    how can I determine the rotation of the UCS from the WCS?
    hutch, Jul 24, 2004
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