Change border size

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jiml, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest


    I'm not going to respond to you on this by crawling down in the gutter with
    you. We'll let your soiled reputation do the talking.

    As Richard states, comp.cad.solidworks would be a much better group without
    your presence.
    Sean Dotson, Jan 16, 2005
  2. jiml

    jon_banquer Guest


    If Sean Dotson is one of the most respected memebers of what you label
    "the CAD community" then it's high time the "CAD community" got the
    enema it so badly needs.

    As for your comment that "nobody wants you here" I guess this means
    your not capable of reading what has been posted in the last few weeks
    in this newsgroup.

    jon_banquer, Jan 16, 2005
  3. jiml

    jon_banquer Guest

    Your responded because you got busted for being the double talking
    slime ball you really are.

    jon_banquer, Jan 16, 2005
  4. jiml

    jiml Guest

    Thread hi-jacking asshole. I heard about your stupid ass I couldn't believe
    my eyes when I saw what a whore mother shithead no good for nothing dick you
    are. Go **** yourself and quit hijacking my thread dickwipe.
    jiml, Jan 16, 2005
  5. jiml

    jiml Guest

    And before you decide you'd better get all high horseity on me and tongue
    lash me may I add that you are officially on my list of blocked names
    fuckhead. My last post I was very careful to censor myself and only say the
    nicest things I could about you. When you die this community will rejoice
    because you are a fucking leech and a prostitute. Eat my warm slimey turds
    and write a reply with them fuckwipe.
    jiml, Jan 16, 2005
  6. jiml

    jiml Guest

    I can't understand how you can lay your head down on your pillow at night
    and close your eyes without crying thinking about how you have wronged so
    many and said so many hurtful and insensitve things in the many shameless
    years of self agrandizing that you foisted upon this newsgroup, and how so
    many wish you nothing but the worst. You deserve the fucking get hit by a
    truck TONIGHT.
    jiml, Jan 16, 2005
  7. jiml

    jiml Guest

    Ah I feel curiously better. Thanks Jon, see you're good for something
    afterall. I think I'll just post occasionally my feelings for you. Anyone
    ever get that email about finding an anonymous person to call when you just
    feel like and call him an asshole? Yeah that's what it's like.
    jiml, Jan 16, 2005
  8. jiml

    Cliff Guest

    LOL ...
    Cliff, Jan 16, 2005
  9. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Double talking? What the hell are you talking about? Why am I even
    replying to a laughing stock like yourself?
    Sean Dotson, Jan 17, 2005
  10. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Jon, you don't even know me.
    Sean Dotson, Jan 17, 2005
  11. jiml

    jon banquer Guest

    Because you got busted and you don't like it.

    Deal with it, asshole.

    jon banquer, Jan 17, 2005
  12. jiml

    jon banquer Guest

    After looking at your web board and seeing you talk out of both sides of
    your mouth, I don't want to know you.

    Your web board reminds me of the Autodesk product loyalists on Autodesks
    newsgroups who's heads are so far up their ass that they can't see what's
    going on in the rest of the non Autodesk world.

    Guess you can't e-mail mama (Anne Brown) and ask her to delete this post
    can ya ?

    jon banquer, Jan 17, 2005
  13. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Explain how I got "busted". For calling you insane? I'll stand by that.
    Sean Dotson, Jan 17, 2005
  14. jiml

    jiml Guest

    Anybody know how to get my ASIZE drawing with custom titleblock to turn into
    a BSIZE border with same titleblock?
    jiml, Jan 17, 2005
  15. jiml

    jon banquer Guest

    Explain how I got "busted".

    I'd be more than happy to:

    1. You slam comp.cad.solidworks on your own web board but post in
    comp.cad.solidworks and pretend to be nicey, nice.

    2. Your web board is filled with Autodesk loyalists from Autodesks
    newsgroups... hell some of them are even "moderators".... no doubt
    trained in the Anne Brown style of censorship.... Opps I mean moderation.

    3. Your such an insecure little bitch that you start a thread today after I
    nail you to wall called:

    Jon Banquer.

    Why ? Because you need to be backed up after having your ass spanked for
    being a double talking slimebag.

    4. The typical poster to you web board has this kind of thing to say about
    Joe Greco:

    "Although there were few things that I actually agreed with Joe on and I let
    him know on more than one occasion. I was sorry to hear that he had passed
    away. I am going to miss his articles even though he was biased and they
    would usually get me all worked up he did on occasion write something that
    wasn't biased or skewed"

    Joe Greco biased and skewed ?

    What a fucking crock of shit.

    Like you this jerk is a brain washed idiot and can't understand that Joe
    Greco was one of the few things that was *right* with the CAD/CAM industry.
    Joe had the balls to tell it like it is with Autodesk substandard products.
    Joe had the balls to rave about ThinkID's Global Shape Modeling and
    thinkID's advanced UI. Joe had the balls to tell it like it is in regards to
    hybrid modeling. Joe knew how badly other products needed the kinds
    of tools that VX gives you and said so. Joe knew that Alibre represented
    a good deal and that they are good people, etc. etc. etc.

    Joe Greco was a breath of fresh air in the CAD/CAM industry. One look
    at your web board makes that more than clear.

    jon banquer, Jan 17, 2005
  16. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    OK this will be my last response to Jon because

    1) I'm only adding to the garbage posts that are detracting from the group
    2) I'm going to loose my temper soon and say something I don't want to
    I did not slam the group. I slammed some of the people in the group. This
    NG used to have a lot of good posts, now it seems I have to wade through a
    bunch of garbage to find anything of value. Not the group Jon, the
    This is laughable. If you actually knew us you'd know we are anything but
    loyalists. I publicly call ADSK on the carpet when hey do something wrong.
    This just goes to show you how little you know. As for the moderators they
    are there to help make sure the board runs OK and we clean up the posts for
    Viagra and such. No moderation of legit posts are made. To be honest I
    think what this group really needs IS some moderation.
    Jon, I posted that to point out to everyone that you haven't changed from
    the MDT days. You still are hawing whatever hybrid-voodoo-global-buzzword
    modelers of the moment and still ramble on like a madman.
    Blah blah, I knew Joe. I met him several times. He knew I disagreed with
    some of his articles. Find me someone (other than yourself) who agreed with
    every word the man wrote. Furthermore am I supposed to only allow those who
    agree with Joe on my board to post? I thought you were ant-censorship Jon?

    Jon in closing I'm not angry with you. In fact I pity you. The fact that
    likely the only joy you have in your life is ranting about some new hybrid
    modeler and stirring up trouble on the newsgroups is sad. It has been said
    that Insanity is defined by repeating the same action over and over and
    expecting a different outcome. Jon if this true then I really believe you
    may have some mental illness. And for this you should be pitied.
    Sean Dotson, Jan 17, 2005
  17. jiml

    Jeff N Guest


    Have you drawn a B-size titleblock/border yet? SolidWorks won't autmatically
    resize your custom titleblock/border to B-size.
    Jeff N, Jan 17, 2005
  18. jiml

    neil Guest

    welcome to SW jiml,
    In SW there are a few generic std formats provided but you need to make or
    modify your own and I guess this is what you are doing.
    As Jeff said SW wont resize one to the other for you.You can however save
    for instance a title block as a 'block' that could be resized and reuse this
    in creating your templates. Also you can import dwg/dxf to use if you have
    already got some templates from your previous cad and of course you can make
    use of cut/paste too to chop bits from here and there.
    The SW help documents are well worth reading thoroughly for people new to
    SW often doesn't work like the Autodesk you are used to and it will confound
    you a bit at first but stick with it.
    hope this helps
    neil, Jan 17, 2005
  19. jiml

    jiml Guest

    Hmm . . .ok thanks.

    jiml, Jan 17, 2005
  20. jiml

    jon banquer Guest

    OK this will be my last response to Jon

    Just how many times in this thread have you said something
    like this, Sean ?

    How about sticking to your word for once.
    Why not take the advice you were given on your own web board ?

    "Sean, take my advice. Get Erase the account from your
    You're wasting your time.
    Robert A. Williams "

    What a shocker, yet another Autodesk VAR.
    What this group needs is more discussion on the *specifics* of how products
    like VX and thinkID blow SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor away with
    truly seamless hybrid modeling tools.
    Got some proof of this or is this more of you double talking bullshit ? I
    just posted last week about a subject that Joe Greco and I disagreed on
    and what that subject was.

    jon banquer, Jan 17, 2005
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