Change border size

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jiml, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. jiml

    jiml Guest

    Inventor user here. How do I change my drawing from ASize to BSize. I know
    there must be an easy way but after 20 minutes of searching playing with
    formats and templates, still can't get it. Thanks.
    jiml, Jan 14, 2005
  2. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Finally had enough eh Jim?
    Sean Dotson, Jan 14, 2005
  3. jiml

    Jeff N Guest


    Simply right-click Sheet Format in the Feature Manager pane and select
    properties. Under Sheet Format/Size, Standard Sheet size pick B-Landscape.

    Sorry to hear you had to use Inventurds.
    Jeff N, Jan 14, 2005
  4. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Sorry to hear you had to use Inventurds.

    Why do we have to stoop to this level people? I thought we were all
    supposed to be professionals.
    Sean Dotson, Jan 14, 2005
  5. jiml

    Jeff N Guest

    My mistake, I thought he was a former Inventor user asking a SolidWorks
    I didn't realize that my opinion of Inventurds was so professionally below
    your, "Finally had enough eh Jim?" response. At least I attempted to help
    the guy out.
    Jeff N, Jan 14, 2005
  6. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    JimL and I go way back to the IV newsgroup where we "barbed" with each other
    a bit. It was a inside, tongue in cheek joke. It seems Jim has switched to
    SWX. Good for him. Whatever works best for him.

    My point is I thought we had gotten past the CAD pissing contest, past the
    "my CAD is better than your CAD" point and could discuss things like adults.
    Guess not.
    Sean Dotson, Jan 14, 2005
  7. jiml

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Preventor, Pro/Goofy, SortaWorks.... they're all pretty apt from time to
    time. Or was it the fecal reference? 8~)
    Jeff Howard, Jan 14, 2005
  8. jiml

    neil Guest

    "My point is I thought we had gotten past the CAD pissing contest, past the
    "my CAD is better than your CAD" point and could discuss things like
    Guess not."

    this is almost exactly the same comment you made last time someone made a
    tiny reference to really need to lighten up some
    are reading things that aren't there...there are a good natured bunch of
    people who hang out here.

    neil, Jan 14, 2005
  9. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest


    I'm not uptight about it. I just would like to have a place where we can
    discuss CAD as adults. I'm just a bit disappointed that it seems each time
    I post here it seems we cannot do that. I'll withhold any further comments.

    Sean Dotson, Jan 14, 2005
  10. jiml

    Cliff Guest

    Actually, IIRC, this NG is mostly geared towards SW.
    Anyone use alt.cad or similar for other CAD systems that
    don't have NGs of their own?
    Cliff, Jan 14, 2005
  11. jiml

    neil Guest

    feel free to do as you please Sean
    I hope you find a place to be an 'adult' and a 'professional' that meets
    your exacting standards....personally I find that kind of strangely...well..
    childish, but there you go....


    certified learner in life
    solidworks hobbyist ; )
    neil, Jan 14, 2005
  12. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Jeeze, OK I'm sorry I said anything...
    Sean Dotson, Jan 14, 2005
  13. jiml

    CAD Guy Guest


    I think you will find that this group is very helpful, but sometimes quite
    thin skinned. Most of the references to Autodesk products are pretty
    negative in this group. Having been burned by them in the past, I can
    understand why.

    Glad to have you as a contributor, but you should expect ANY positive
    references to AutoCAD, IV, etc. to get slammed pretty hard. Don't take it
    personally, many SolidWorks users just have bad feelings towards Autodesk.

    Hope you stick around, maybe we can get you to add "Certified SolidWorks
    Professional" to tag line some day.

    CAD Guy, Jan 14, 2005
  14. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Thanks CADGuy. Well put.

    Have a good weekend.
    Sean Dotson, Jan 14, 2005
  15. jiml

    Jeff N Guest


    No pissing contest here. Solidoesn'tWorks pisses me off from time to time.
    Don't forget arguing on the internet is like running in the special
    Olympics.... even if you win, you're still retarded.

    This forum, for me at least, is a chance to shed the uptight corporate
    America kiss-ass professionalism and kick back and shoot the bull with a few
    other cyber CAD gurus, learn or be amazed by a thing or two, be entertained
    by John Banquer, his alt.cnc clan and Cliffy, teach some noobs the basics
    and grab the latest news. There's a lot of info, help and BS in here and
    like any other internet forum, you have to grow some thick skin and welcome
    some harsh sarcasm once in a while.

    Inventor probably is a decent MCAD product now, but when I used it for a
    while (R1-R3) I felt that it was junk and way behind everyone else, hence my
    Jeff N, Jan 14, 2005
  16. jiml

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Cool. No worries.

    <whispers>I'll agree with you about R1-3 <g>
    Sean Dotson, Jan 14, 2005
  17. jiml

    jiml Guest

    Oops now it flipped back to the standard title block. I was getting this
    before. What's the trick for keeping my custom titleblock, just turning the
    border from A to B?
    jiml, Jan 15, 2005
  18. jiml

    jiml Guest

    Oh no not you again. Didn't you have enough of me over there!?!??!?
    jiml, Jan 15, 2005
  19. jiml

    jon banquer Guest

    One look at your bogus website shows you talk out of both sides or your

    How about the slamming of Joe Greco probably because Joe knew
    that Autodesk was often full of shit. Here is a quote about Joe by what
    most likely is some Autodesk suck ass loyalist who has no fucking clue.

    "While I often cited Joe as an example of what is wrong with the CAD media I
    never wished any ill will upon him. I'm sorry to hear this."

    "The Online Home Of CAD professionals" ?

    Yeah right. Why don't you send the guy who wants to talk about VX over here
    and at least he will get some honest answers rather than some half assed
    bullshit and no response to his question. Here is the response he got to
    his question.

    "I requested a demo disk about a year and a half ago, I'm still waiting for
    it to arrive" was posted by your "Forum Moderator" RonC.

    Did RonC and yourself go to the Anne Brown school for newsgroup moderation ?

    jon banquer, Jan 16, 2005
  20. Jon,
    I've started this post several times, and I just can't seem to find the
    words to say how utterly reprehensible I find your comments to one of the
    most highly respected members of the CAD community. Please, once and for
    all, leave this newsgroup and never come back. Nobody wants you here.

    Richard Doyle, Jan 16, 2005
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