Change an attribute value by a user given amount

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Scott, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    I have searched the newsgroup and found some help with this, but I am still
    stumped. I have created a lisp routine for inserting grade boxes and it
    works great. It uses an attribute for the box. Now, I would like to write a
    routine that will allow the user to specify an elevation change (positive
    and negative) and have the attribute update by that amount. I am not looking
    for someone to write a routine for me, just to point me in the right
    direction. I thoroughly enjoy writing the routines and want to learn as much
    as I can.

    John Scott, Apr 23, 2004
  2. entsel - user select block
    entget - get block entity and store
    entget, entnext - get attribute entity and store
    atof - change existing value to real number
    getreat - user input elevation change
    add change to existing value
    entmod - change stored attribute entity
    entupd - update block
    Alan Henderson, Apr 23, 2004
  3. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    Thanks, Alan. I will work on it this morning. I really appreciate your
    assistance. I found some code written for changing attributes by a constant,
    predetermined value and was trying to modify that. However, I did not know
    what some of the commands were until you posted this info. THANKS!

    John Scott, Apr 23, 2004
  4. John Scott

    Murph Guest

    Shouldn't it be getreal instead of getreat (i know it's FRIDAY)
    also getstring for users input.

    Murph, Apr 23, 2004
  5. Sorry about the typo.... GetReal is my favorite.... I keep telling myself
    that everytime I write any program.
    Alan Henderson, Apr 23, 2004
  6. John Scott

    Murph Guest

    I'm a getstring guy myself.
    I like too pull the strings whenever possible.

    Murph, Apr 23, 2004
  7. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    This is what I have so far. It seems to work fine until it comes to updating
    the block and then it stops. I get this: Error: bad list in entity tail:
    "99.40" - program aborted.

    (defun C:EC ()

    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)

    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:
    (while (/= elev_change nil)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (while (/= bloc nil)
    (setq first_att (entnext bloc))
    (setq second_att (entnext first_att))
    (setq first_code (cdr (assoc 1 (entget first_att))))
    (setq second_code (cdr (assoc 1 (entget second_att))))
    (setq first_real (atof first_code))
    (setq second_real (atof second_code))
    (setq new_first (+ first_real elev_change))
    (setq new_second (+ second_real elev_change))
    (setq first_code (rtos new_first 2 2))
    (entmod first_code)
    (setq second_code (rtos new_second 2 2))
    (entmod second_code)
    (entupd bloc)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:
    John Scott, Apr 23, 2004
  8. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    I can not see my first post of this so I am sorry if it is a duplicate.

    This is what I have so far. It seems to work fine until it comes to updating
    the block and then it stops. I get this: Error: bad list in entity tail

    (defun C:EC ()

    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)

    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:
    (while (/= elev_change nil)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (while (/= bloc nil)
    (setq first_att (entnext bloc))
    (setq second_att (entnext first_att))
    (setq first_code (cdr (assoc 1 (entget first_att))))
    (setq second_code (cdr (assoc 1 (entget second_att))))
    (setq first_real (atof first_code))
    (setq second_real (atof second_code))
    (setq new_first (+ first_real elev_change))
    (setq new_second (+ second_real elev_change))
    (setq first_code (rtos new_first 2 2))
    (entmod first_code)
    (setq second_code (rtos new_second 2 2))
    (entmod second_code)
    (entupd bloc)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:
    John Scott, Apr 23, 2004
  9. change (entmod first_code) to
    (setq first_att (subst (cons 1 first_code) (assoc 1 first_att) first_att))
    (entmod first_att)

    repeat for 2nd att
    Alan Henderson, Apr 23, 2004
  10. John Scott

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Try this....the code I modified and/or added is marked by asterisk's ***.


    (defun C:EC (/ bloc elev_change first_att first_code first_real
    new_first new_second second_att second_code second_real)

    ;(setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; not needed, no "command" calls that would echo

    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:
    (while (/= elev_change nil)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (while (/= bloc nil)
    (setq first_att (entget (entnext bloc)));***
    (setq second_att (entget (entnext (cdar first_att))));***
    (setq first_code (cdr (assoc 1 first_att)));***
    (setq second_code (cdr (assoc 1 second_att)));***
    (setq first_real (atof first_code))
    (setq second_real (atof second_code))
    (setq new_first (+ first_real elev_change))
    (setq new_second (+ second_real elev_change))
    (setq first_code (rtos new_first 2 2))
    (setq first_att (subst (cons 1 first_code)(assoc 1 first_att)
    (entmod first_att);***
    (setq second_code (rtos new_second 2 2))
    (setq second_att (subst (cons 1 second_code)(assoc 1 second_att)
    (entmod second_att);***
    (entupd bloc)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:
    Jeff Mishler, Apr 23, 2004
  11. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    That works like a charm. Thank you VERY much for the assistance.

    John Scott, Apr 23, 2004
  12. John Scott

    ECCAD Guest

    (defun C:EC ()
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:"))
    (while (/= elev_change nil)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (while (/= bloc nil)
    (setq first_att (entnext bloc))
    (setq second_att (entnext first_att))
    (setq first_code (cdr (assoc 1 (entget first_att))))
    (setq second_code (cdr (assoc 1 (entget second_att))))
    (setq first_real (atof first_code))
    (setq second_real (atof second_code))
    (setq new_first (+ first_real elev_change))
    (setq new_second (+ second_real elev_change))
    (setq first_code (rtos new_first 2 2))

    ;;(entmod first_code) - this line a problem, is trying to 'entmod' a string at this point
    (entmod (setq first_att (subst (cons 1 new_first)(cons 1 first_code) first_att))); should fix it
    ;; same for second entity..below

    (setq second_code (rtos new_second 2 2))
    (entmod second_code)
    (entupd bloc)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:

    ECCAD, Apr 23, 2004
  13. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    Joe, I apologize. I forgot to thank you for the willingness to help me. I
    really appreciate it.

    John Scott, Apr 23, 2004
  14. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    Thanks for the help, Alan.

    John Scott, Apr 23, 2004
  15. John Scott

    Joe Burke Guest


    No problem.

    One suggestion: think positive. This (while bloc ... is the same as (while (/= bloc

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 23, 2004
  16. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    Joe, Alan and Murph,
    I want to thank all of you for the help with this lisp routine. I was
    able to get the routine to work with one exception, we use a mix of single
    and double entry attribute blocks and the routine as written only worked on
    double entry blocks. However, I was able to modify the routine so that it
    works on both blocks. I have used it this morning and it is a BIG time
    saver. Thanks so much for your guidance.

    John Scott, Apr 27, 2004
  17. John Scott

    Friptzap Guest

    I am trying to do something similar so maybe I should watch the magic at work :)
    Friptzap, Apr 27, 2004
  18. John Scott

    John Scott Guest

    Here is what I have. Hopefully you can get it to work for you, too. I tried
    to separate sections to compensate for the poor word wrap in Outlook. Hope
    it is easy to follow.


    (defun C:EC ()

    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)

    (setq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>:
    (while (/= elev_change nil)

    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (while (/= bloc nil)

    (setq first_att (entget (entnext bloc)))
    (setq second_att (entget (entnext (cdar first_att))))
    (setq first_code (cdr (assoc 1 first_att)))
    (setq first_real (atof first_code))
    (setq new_first (+ first_real elev_change))
    (setq first_code (rtos new_first 2 2))
    (setq first_att (subst (cons 1 first_code)(assoc 1 first_att)first_att))
    (entmod first_att)

    (if (/= (setq second_code (cdr (assoc 1 second_att))) nil)

    (setq second_real (atof second_code))
    (setq new_second (+ second_real elev_change))
    (setq second_code (rtos new_second 2 2))
    (setq second_att (subst (cons 1 second_code) (assoc 1 second_att)
    (entmod second_att)

    (entupd bloc)
    (setq bloc (car (entsel "\nSelect box to edit <Enter to exit>: ")))
    (etq elev_change (getreal "\nEnter the elevation change <Enter to exit>: "))
    John Scott, Apr 27, 2004
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